'스마트폰'에 해당되는 글 106건

  1. 2009.08.17 여러분의 아이디어로 50만원을 꿀꺽
  2. 2009.05.29 T*OMNIA 풀브라우징 전용 사이트 오픈
  3. 2009.05.18 삼성전자, 블랙잭 3번째 모델 잭(jack) 美 출시 1
  4. 2009.05.13 스마트폰 분실시 개인정보 보호 및 도용을 방지하세요~
  5. 2009.05.13 무선충전 휴대폰(스마트폰)이 나온다고 하네요~~
  6. 2009.05.12 스마트폰 음성메모 프로그램 Microsoft Recite 1
  7. 2009.04.24 드디어 옴니아가 공짜가 있네요 2
  8. 2009.04.08 노키아 6210s 심비안 스마트폰이 무료 1
  9. 2009.02.17 T*옴니아용 소프트웨어가 업데이트 되었네요
  10. 2009.02.17 윈도 모바일 6.5 멋진 시연 동영상들
  11. 2009.02.17 윈도 모바일 6.5 멋진 화면들
  12. 2009.02.12 내 PC의 무한확장 세컨드라이브가 비공개 베타테스트를 시행합니다.
  13. 2008.11.30 옴니아 기기변경으로 구매 -- 기념샷
  14. 2008.11.24 'T옴니아' 시판, 또 연기 ,지겨운 연기.....
  15. 2008.11.21 T옴니아 출시일이 연기되었네요..---T옴니아, 24일 시판될 듯
  16. 2008.03.17 앙증맞은 SGH-i620 동영상
  17. 2008.03.01 [스크랩] 2007 최고의 스마트폰 소프트웨어들 7
  18. 2008.02.27 삼성 블랙잭이 북미에서 잭팟을 ?...
  19. 2008.02.12 구글폰 프로토타입 사진 및 동영상 5
  20. 2008.01.30 오늘 블랙잭(SCH-M620)으로 삼성 와이즈원폰 가입했습니다. 5
  21. 2008.01.30 블랙잭 팁 2 가지
  22. 2008.01.10 삼성 블랙잭 펌웨어가 다운그레이드 되었네요
  23. 2008.01.10 삼성 블랙잭 펌웨어 SKT AL21버전 문제해결방법 2
  24. 2008.01.08 삼성 블랙잭용 네비게이션 JB Navi
  25. 2007.11.26 아이폰 대항마는 LG보이저...美서 보이저랩송 인기 동영상
  26. 2007.11.22 블랙잭2 동영상 - 부드러운 화면 움직임을 볼 수 있다
  27. 2007.11.22 블랙잭2 SGH-I617 (BlackJack II) 스펙
  28. 2007.11.22 미국 블랙잭2 (Samsung BlackJack II) 공식 소개 사이트
  29. 2007.11.14 삼성전자,신규 와이브로 단말기 출시 - 11월 13일
  30. 2007.11.05 삼성전자, 두 번째 와이브로 PDA폰 판매 11월 5일부터 SPH-M8200
IT 이야기2009. 8. 17. 14:41

SKT의 Mysmart 에서 어플리케이션 아이디어를 공모합니다.

여러분의 생각이 스마트폰이나 휴대폰에 심어집니다.

게다가 현금으로 상품으로 지급하네요.

매일지니고 다니는 휴대폰에 여러분의 아이디어를 심어보세요..~~~



응모사이트 : My Smart

Posted by krsuncom
옴니아2009. 5. 29. 14:10

5월 29일, 스마트폰을 위한 삼성모바일닷컴이 오픈했습니다.

 삼성모바일닷컴이 모바일 풀브라우징 환경에 최적화되었다고 합니다.

빠른 속도, 편리한 UI로 스마트폰 모바일 풀브라우징 환경에 맞추어서 제작했다고 합니다.

아래는 오페라로 직접 접속한 화면입니다.

640*480 에 적합하게 되어 있는 모습니다.




Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2009. 5. 18. 12:31


삼성전자가 슬림한 디자인과 다양한 기능으로 미국 시장 판매를 주도했던 `블랙잭` 시리즈 3번째 제품을 미국에서 출시한다고 합니다.

개인적으로 블랙잭에 애정이 많았던지라 기대되는 제품이네요…

국내에 미라지(블랙잭2)가 나왔을때도 기변을 고려하긴 했었는데….

국내에는 출시할 지는 미지수이긴 한데..디자인은 더 세련되어진것 같네요…




아래는  동영상입니다.

국내 참조기사 : NO.1 경제포털 :: 매일경제

해외참조기사 : http://www.engadget.com/2009/05/14/samsung-jack-comes-to-atandt-on-may-19-99-99-on-contract/

Posted by krsuncom
IT 이야기2009. 5. 13. 19:07

요즘 스마트폰이 급격하게 보급되고 있습니다. 가격도 많이 내렸고 (공짜도 많음)

사용자 스스로 프로그램을 깔아서 쓸 수 있다는 매력과 일정관리 및 다양하게 쓸모가 있어서겠지요.

요즘은 외장 메모리 및 내장 메모리가 커서 이것저것 많이들 집어 넣고 다닙니다.

물론 사적인 정보들도 말이죠..

그런데. 분실했다면…  ????…

끔찍한 일이지만..누구에게나 일어날 수 있는 일입니다.

그런 우려를 타켓으로 (주)쏘몬에서 시큐어온모바일 (www.SecureOnMobile.com) 서비스를 시작했습니다.

현재 오픈베타로 진행되고 있습니다.


++Secure On Mobile++


서비스를 간단히 설면하면..


휴대폰(스마트폰)을 분실 했을 때 휴대폰의 개인정보를 타인이 볼 수 없도록

휴대폰을 잠그는 기능을 제공합니다.  방법은 스마트폰으로 전화나 SMS로 특정 신호를 전송해서 처리 합니다.

현재는 Windows Mobile 6.1 이상의 스마트폰중 일부를 지원하고 있습니다.

옴니아도 되네요..


현재는 라이트 버전이데 곧 부가적인 서비스들이 제공될 것으로 생각됩니다.

아주 참신한 서비스네요….

근데 외장메모리는…..???? 보안

Posted by krsuncom
새로운소식2009. 5. 13. 18:42

전동치솔이나 무선 전기주전자 같은 경우 코드리스(Codeless) 형태로 제품이 출시 되어 있죠

이젠 스마트폰도 그런 형태로 나온다고 하네요…

다들 아시겠지만 내장된 코일이 전력을 유발하는 자기장을 양산해 충전이 이루어 진다고 합니다

지금 현재 스마트폰에는 젠더를 주렁주렁 매달고 다니는데..그런 수고는 덜어도 되겠네요..


사진출처 : http://www.palm.com/us/

기사 출처 : IT는 아이뉴스24, 연예스포츠는 조이뉴스24

Posted by krsuncom
옴니아2009. 5. 12. 13:32

마이크로소프트에서 신기한 프로그램이 나왔네요. 현재는 프리뷰 Preview  버전입니다.

음성을 녹음 하고 검색하는 기능입니다. 옴니아에서 잘 실행됩니다. 아래에는 설치된 화면을 캐춰해 두었습니다.

검색도 잘 되는 편인것 같습니다. 아래 링크에 가시면 받으실 수 있습니다.

Microsoft Recite Voice Technology Preview Home

옴니아에 설치된 모습

데모 동영상 http://recite.microsoft.com/Pages/ReciteVideo.aspx

Posted by krsuncom
옴니아2009. 4. 24. 15:46

투데이피피시에서 번호이동으로 옴니아가 공짜가 나왔네요

실제로는 508,800 인데..

일반요금제로 24개월 쓰면 실 구매금액은

288,000 원


T더블할인으로 요금제 선택에 따라 무료까지 가능하네요

많이 떨어지긴 했네요…

전 기변이라 제값주고 샀는데…..ㅠㅠㅠ…


참고사이트 : 공동구매

Posted by krsuncom
새로운소식2009. 4. 8. 19:15

네비게이션 폰으로 불리던 노키아 6210 이 네비게이션 기능이 빠진채로 국내에 출시되었습니다.

가격도 파격적인 무료로….

해외에 주로 가시는 분들는 해외에서는  네비게이션으로 사용이 가능하다고 합니다.




대한민국 대표 휴대폰 쇼핑몰 - 세티즌쇼핑

Posted by krsuncom
옴니아2009. 2. 17. 11:47

각종 옴니아용 유틸리티 모음

동영상 변환기

Mobile Security

MITs Upgrade Manager




참조링크 : Anycall

Posted by krsuncom
새로운소식2009. 2. 17. 11:29

Posted by krsuncom
새로운소식2009. 2. 17. 11:21

윈도 모바일 6.5의 멋진 화면입니다.

기존 유명 윈도 모바일용 유틸리티들을

좀 더 이쁘게 가꾸어 놓은 듯한 모양이지만

프로그램을 추가로 깔지 않아도 사용이 가능하니..

전원이나 메모리에 도움이 될듯 합니다.


네이버 뉴스

Posted by krsuncom
새로운소식2009. 2. 12. 19:18

나우콤에서  “넷북· 스마트폰 용량부족 해결한다”는 컨셉으로 

세컨드라이브 서비스에 대한 베타테스터를 모집합니다.

무려 100G 를 사용가능하다고 합니다.

1만명 상대로 베타테스트를 실시한다고 하니

베타테스트에만 하드용량이 무려 10,000 * 100G 우와~~~


내 PC의 무한확장 세컨드라이브

Posted by krsuncom
옴니아2008. 11. 30. 21:39
바라던 옴니아를 구매했습니다.
정가 다주고 구매한 것은 처음이네요~~
투자한만큼 제대로 쓸 수 있을 까요???
구매 후 기분 좋아 한컷 해보았습니다.

우와~~비싼 폰~~

'옴니아' 카테고리의 다른 글

옴니아에서 VOIP 설정하기  (7) 2008.12.08
옴니아에서 맵피 설치 및 검증 완료  (2) 2008.11.30
옴니아로 찍은 사진  (1) 2008.11.30
옴니아로 찍은 동영상 2  (0) 2008.11.30
옴니아로 찍은 동영상  (0) 2008.11.30
새로운 나의 폰이된 옴니아  (5) 2008.11.30
Posted by krsuncom
새로운소식2008. 11. 24. 09:57

정말 출고가 때문일까 ???

이유를 알 수는 없지만. 쏟아내는 기사들을 종합해 보면 가격 때문이라고 하네요

스마트 폰이 뭐길래....

24일 시판 예정이 25일로 미루어 졌다고 하는데 25일이라고 해봐야 내일인데.....

설마 치명적 버그 때문은 아니겠지....

아직 살까 말까...가격이 최대 관건이긴한데....

사야하나 말아야 하나..........


기사는 'T옴니아' 시판, 또 연기 - 머니투데이:뉴스종합  여기에 ....


Posted by krsuncom
새로운소식2008. 11. 21. 11:00

국내에 스마트폰이 출시될때 대부분 제 날짜를 지키지 못합니다.

이유야 여러가지가 있겠죠

버그 발견이나 마케팅 전략 , 또는 헛소문들 때문에...

어쩄든 다음주 월요일에  옴니아가(T옴니아) 출시된다고 하니...기대해 봅니다.

ㅎㅎ 출시가가 90만원대...99만원???

얼마에나 살 수 있을까나.....



기사는  T옴니아, 24일 시판될 듯 - 머니투데이:뉴스종합  참초하세요

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2008. 3. 17. 18:55
요즘은 스마트폰이 점점 작아지는 추세인것 같습니다.
이름은 어떻게 짓는 것인지는 잘 모르지만 SKT-M620 과 비슷한 SGH-i620 이네요
외국에서는 출시가 되어도 국내에는 스마트폰이 잘 출시가 되지 않습니다.
복잡한 문제들이 있겠죠.유튜브에서 동영상을 한번 찾아 보았습니다.
디자인은 앙증맞네요.사양은 여기저기 나와있지만.
거의다 되지만
WIFI 가 안되고 GPS 가 내장이 아닙니다



Posted by krsuncom
스크랩/번역2008. 3. 1. 13:09

Smartphone & Pocketpc 에서 선정한 2007 최고의 스마트폰 소프트웨어들

Best Smartphone Software Awards 2007 

Winners and Finalists: Smartphone

Smartphone: Communication
Instant Messaging & IRC
Phone Tools and Synchronization

Smartphone: Emulators
Computer Emulators & Interpreters
Desktop Game Console Emulators
Handheld Game Console Emulators

Smartphone: Games
Action Games
Board Games
Casino and Card Games
Classic Arcade
Color Matching
Puzzle Games
Racing Games
RPG / Adventure Games
Scrolling Shooters
Simulation Games
Sports Games
Strategy Games

Smartphone: Information Managers
List & database managers
Secure Information Managers

Smartphone: Internet
Web Browsing

Smartphone: Multimedia
Multimedia Tools

Smartphone: Text and Reference
Document Viewers
Feed Reader

Smartphone: Travel
Travel Tools

Smartphone: Utilities
File Management
Networking and Remote Desktop
Screen Capture and Display
System and Registry
Task Management



Redirects all audio from your mobile device to your Bluetooth headset. Listen to MP3s, Podcasts, or Audio Books directly from your Pocket PC without using any cables. It can also be used to get GPS locations or VoIP phone calls by using the microphone over Bluetooth. Also supports after-phone-call resume, auto-speakerphone, and many other options.
Developer: Teksoft SRL
Web: www.teksoftco.com

An application for Windows Mobile Pocket PCs and Smartphones that extends Bluetooth features and functions. It’s a complete Bluetooth connection manager with other functions.
Developer: WM-Soft
Web: www.wm-soft.com/

Instant Messaging & IRC

Agile Messenger    
Software-based Push-to-Talk and Instant Multimedia Messaging over the public networks of MSN, ICQ, AIM, and Yahoo! With over 1 million users users worldwide, Agile Messenger is the largest deployed mobile instant messaging community on the globe.
Developer: Agilemobile.com Limited
Web: www.agilemobile.com

IM+ Mobile Instant Messenger    
An "all-in-one" universal Instant Messenger for MSN, ICQ, AOL, and Yahoo for the Pocket PC. It works by making a direct connection to the supported services without any "gate" in the middle and connects you to your favorite services as a full-rights user. You get all the messages and events immediately just as if you were connected with the standard client.
Developer: SHAPE Services Ltd.
Web: www.shapeservices.de

Mundu IM    
Allows users to chat with their IM contacts on different IM services, including AIM, MSN, Yahoo!, ICQ, and Google Talk or Jabber on a single user-friendly interface. Capabilities include: photo blogging and video sharing, file and music sharing, e-mail notification, and support for major mobile platforms.
Developer: Geodesic Information Systems Ltd.
Web: messenger.mundu.com

Phone Tools and Synchronization

Jeyo Mobile Companion    
An Outlook-style SMS Text Messaging client for Windows; works with MS Smartphone and PocketPC Phone Edition. Provides the ability to flexibly manage text messaging from your Windows desktop.
Developer: Jeyo, Inc
Web: www.jeyo.com

Spb GPRS Monitor    
Measures the amounts of data transfers via your GPR, WiFi, CDMA, or GSM network connection and calculates the cost. It monitors all data transfers you perform and calculates the cost of your GPRS usage, taking into account your service plan details such as inclusive data amount, data block size, etc.
Developer: Spb Software House
Web: www.spbsoftwarehouse.com

VITO VoiceDialer for Smartphone    
Enables voice dialing using previously learned voice commands assigned to phone numbers in the Contacts database. It supports all languages, all voices and all Smartphone models.
Developer: VITO Technology
Web: vitotechnology.com


Computer Emulators & Interpreters

A Sinclair Spectrum emulator.
Developer: Keith Orbell
Web: www.aooa27.dsl.pipex.com/FuseSP.htm

MSDOS 6.22-compatible DOS program for Pocket and Handheld PCs. Virtual PC software environment for your PDA that allows you to run a DOS operating system and have instant access to many DOS applications on your PDA, while simultaneously allowing the use of the PDA's native applications. Also allows file sharing between the PDA's native applications and DOS applications.
Developer: PocketDOS
Web: www.pocketdos.com

A program which allows you to run certain classic graphical point-and-click adventure games assuming that you already have their data files. It replaces the .exe files shipped with the game, allowing you to play them on systems for which they were never designed.
Developer: ScummVM
Web: scummvm.sourceforge.net/

Desktop Game Console Emulators

Finalburn Alpha    
A FinalBurn emulator.
Developer: masterall
Web: www.modaco.com/index.php?showtopic=247894

Masterall’s PocketSNES port    
A SNES emulator.
Developer: masterall
Web: www.modaco.com/index.php?showtopic=247894

Pocket Nester Plus    
An NES emulator.
Developer: masterall
Web: www.modaco.com/index.php?showtopic=247894

Handheld Game Console Emulators

gnuboy SP    
A GameBoy emulator for the Smartphone that's compatible with GameBoy and GameBoy Color. Supports full GameBoy resolutions. Sound can be turned on/off. Keys are fully configurable. Layouts (and all other settings) are saved with the game state for each game individually.
Developer: Surreal Services
Web: www.surrealservices.co.uk

SmartGear is a handheld and console emulator which supports GameBoy, GameGear, MasterSystem, NES, Genesis, and PC-Engine/TurboGrafx-16. It runs on all Pocket PC and SmartPhone devices which runs WM2003 or newer.
Developer: BitBank Software
Web: www.bitbanksoftware.com


Action Games

3D Constructo Combat    
Play this true 3D, addicting game creating as many buildings as possible while battling others! Unlock up to 10 maps.
Developer: Concrete Software, Inc.
Web: www.concretesoftware.com

3D Lawn Darts    
The classic game of lawn darts for your mobile device. Includes fun and challenging 3D characters and multiplayer functionality. It also has new camera motion sensing technology. If your device has a camera, you simulate a real throw with your device like you are throwing a real dart.
Developer: Concrete Software, Inc.
Web: www.concretesoftware.com

Eclipse: First Wave    
A shoot-em-up action game that brings classic arcade shooter action to the Smartphone. Pilot one of two different ships through wave after wave of enemies, across 7 varied levels through space and across landscapes. Compatible with: SPV, E100, E200, Motorola MPX-200, Qtek 7070, Qtek 8080, Samsung i600, i-mate Smartphone, and i-mate Smartphone 2.
Developer: Alien Invention
Web: www.alieninvention.com

Board Games

4Connect for Smartphone    
Prepare to challenge your mind with a new brain teaser, our interpretation of the age old classic Connect 4. The first player to get four checkers lined up in a row in any direction wins the game. Play against a friend locally or over a Bluetooth / Wi-Fi network, or pit your wits against a computer player
Developer: 4Pockets.com
Web: www.4pockets.com

Multiplayer Championship Backgammon    
Backgammon with stunning graphics, powerful AI opponents, multiplayer gaming over the Internet, more. Also: built-in chat, hotseat games, and career mode. Real Dice brings you another multiplayer breakthrough: the world's first, true cross-platform mobile Backgammon experience. Palm vs. Windows Mobile vs. Smartphones vs. Desktops. Go on, roll the dice.
Developer: Real Dice
Web: www.realdice.com

Multiplayer Championship Chess    
The strongest Chess game for a PDA or mobile device with an AI rated above Grand Master. Features stunning graphics and the ability to play (and chat) with real people over the Internet. Loaded with options, a strong Single Player Career Mode, and support for all devices and resolutions.
Developer: Real Dice
Web: www.realdice.com

Casino and Card Games

Aces Texas Holdem - No Limit    
No limit version of Texas Hold'em includes sound, up to 22 opponents at once, and 4 game speeds. You can Create/Modify opponents - setting their names, intelligence levels, and holdings, set blinds, tournament style or have players automatically sit in, statistics, and ability to stop and resume games, and realistic or large cards option.
Developer: Concrete Software, Inc.
Web: www.concretesoftware.com

Multiplayer Championship Poker - Texas Hold'em    
Features multiplayer and multi-table tournament play via Bluetooth or IrDA. Includes off-line AI opponents, 10-player tables, single player career mode, character profiles, a bank, online Hall of Fame stats with My RealDice, regular updates, and a free PC edition and strategy guide for all levels.
Developer: Real Dice
Web: www.realdice.com

Classic Arcade

Atomic Cannon Pocket    
Atomic Cannon Pocket is a strategic artillery simulation with realistic graphics and effects. Use over 85 different weapons. Create scorched earth in this strategic tank simulation where you battle against a computer or your friends on 25 deformable landscapes. The game features numerous user options, a full music track, and superior effects. Includes high resolution VGA graphics.
Developer: Isotope 244
Web: www.isotope244.com

Board your fighter; defend against alien fire and escape their collision-course formation attacks. Yes, Galaga by Namco is back! Retrieve captured fighters from boss alien's tractor-beam to become a Dual Fighter with double the fire power. Hone firing skills and get your hit-miss ratio to 100 percent. Re-live the retro action with the Palm OS and Windows Mobile versions of this arcade great.
Developer: Namco Networks
Web: www.namcogames.com

Color Matching

Tap adjacent pairs of gems to swap them and make matching horizontal and vertical lines of three or more. Choose from a relaxing and absorbing easy game, or a frantic and gripping timed game.
Developer: Astraware Limited
Web: www.astraware.com

An addictive action puzzle with 73 interesting levels, pleasant music and high-quality graphics effects! Challenges your agility and requires quick thinking. Great music, terrific sound effects, and attractive gameplay along with ease of learning will make this game your favorite for a long time.
Developer: TA Games
Web: trialaction.com

Quartz 2    
Successor to our popular puzzle game Quartz; with new single-player game modes and multi-player capability. Play with your friends via Bluetooth, or against Quartz players around the world over the Internet!
Developer: Elements Interactive
Web: www.elementsgames.com

Puzzle Games

Brain School Brain Trainer    
A brain training game comprising 20 different puzzle games at 5 different levels. Includes daily tests and final exams. Helps improve your memory, spatial awareness, logical thinking, analytical reasoning, numeracy, and concentration.
Developer: Mastersoft Mobile Solutions
Web: www.mastersoftmobilesolutions.com

Spb Brain Evolution    
Using this game can improve your mental awareness, and maintain your brain fitness. Use for everyday training and you will find that your brain becomes faster and more reliable.
Developer: Spb Software House
Web: www.spbsoftwarehouse.com

Armed with an arsenal of 10 different tools and weapons, TokiTori must overcome dangerous obstacles, trap monsters, and save all of the lost eggs. The game contains four mysterious worlds, offering over 60 levels of exciting platform and puzzle action.
Developer: AIM Productions NV
Web: www.aimproductions.be

Word Challenge for Smartphone    
A bundle of word games that will surely tickle your brain and test your word power. Four of the most popular and addictive word games have been combined into one exciting gamepack! These word games will challenge your word knowledge, eye coordination and quick thinking.
Developer: eSoft Interactive
Web: www.esoftinteractive.com

Racing Games

Flux Challenge SP    
A revolutionary 3D racing game revolving around a world of magnetic-levitation vehicles inside tunnels. Take control of one of these maglev ships, and become the international champion! Features * Best 3D graphics on a Pocket PC to date * Fast paced, adrenaline pumping racing action * 24 total races to play * 6 different ships to race with * 3 game mode for maximum replay value
Developer: PDAmill Game Studios
Web: www.pdamill.com

A 3D top-down racer where your car is equipped with mines and rockets, with several kinds of useful upgrades available. Make your opponents spin and crash as you bombard them with a barrage of weapons.
Developer: Infinite Dreams
Web: www.idreams.pl

Raging Thunder    
Includes your choice of three cars and the ability to drive at top speeds. Drive on a variety of tracks set in different environments.
Developer: Mobile Digital Media
Web: www.gomdm.com

RPG / Adventure Games

Atlantis Redux    
An adventure game that will take players on a journey through time and varied landscapes. Journey from the Hoggar Desert to the cold plains of the Palaeolithic Age via the gardens of the Palace of One Thousand and One Nights.
Developer: Tetraedge Games
Web: www.tetraedge.com

A classic-style RPG. Incredible action, awesome sounds, intense combat, cunning puzzles, and game-enhancing sound effects. Experience this newly designed game system that utilizes the best elements from classic RPGs that you have come to love such as: Eye of the Beholder, Black Crypt, and Might&Magic.
Developer: Redshift
Web: www.redshift.hu

Scrolling Shooters

A vertical scroller shooter. Includes 3D scenery and graphics.
Developer: c2matrix
Web: c2matrix.com

SkyForce Reloaded    
Classic arcade shooter, with 3d interactive objects, 8 high-detail pixeled environments, tons of enemies to shoot, and good old Earth to save.
Developer: Infinite Dreams
Web: www.idreams.pl

Simulation Games

Lemonade Tycoon    
In this game you can test your entrepreneurial skills by trying to sell lemonade. You start with a small lemonade stand and a few dollars in your pocket. Check the latest weather forecast and try to pick the best location for your stand, tweak your lemonade recipe, set your price and manage your inventory. You can re-invest your profits and streamline your production methods.
Developer: JAMDAT Mobile
Web: www.jamdat.com

A multi-platform and multi-player air-combat game. Features famous fighters of WWII, and uses natural sceneries and realistic physics simulation to provide the experience of actual air combat.
Developer: OmniG Software
Web: www.omnigsoft.com

Fly a highly maneuverable jet fighter as you combat other aircraft, using air-to-air missiles, abrupt maneuvers, and missile lures to protect yourself.
Developer: OmniG Software
Web: www.omnigsoft.com

Sports Games

Golf game with photo-quality animations and realistic ball/shot physics including terrain, green conditions, and wind.
Developer: JAMDAT Mobile
Web: www.jamdat.com

Pocket Mini Golf 2    
Miniature golf game with a total of 60 unique levels. 6 golfers with different play characteristics. Multiplayer option with up to 6 players. 3 game types (Standard, Arcade and Practice). Special objects including timed barriers, springs, conveyor belts, water hazards, and sand traps.
Developer: Momentum Games
Web: www.momentumgames.com

Virtual Pool Mobile    
An award-winning pool game. Features realistic physics and 3D game play. Career mode with movies of Curly the hustler guide you through 6 pool rooms and 120 opponents. Game modes include: Practice, Play your buddy, Tournaments, Trick shots, and Career.
Developer: Celeris, Inc.
Web: www.celeris.com

Strategy Games

Machines at War    
Command an army of forces across the battlefield with ease in this real time strategy game. You are challenged to construct an epic war machine and use it to become a dominating world power. Machines at War features a random map system so every game is unique and poses new challenges. Build bridges, mow down forests, build walls to defend your position, hide under trees for an ambush attack.
Developer: Isotope 244
Web: www.isotope244.com

An arcade game with missions involving the snails. Includes ten levels, three storylines, and 25 unique weapons. Weapons are collected throughout the game.
Developer: PDAmill Game Studios
Web: www.pdamill.com

Information Managers

List & database managers

HanDBase Enterprise    
A feature-rich, award-winning database application. With powerful relational features, easy-to-use interface, and a large population of free databases available. The Enterprise version offers a Windows desktop companion, two-way synchronization conduit, forms designer, multi-user sychronization technology, ODBC Driver, and SyncExchange for ODBC.
Developer: DDH Software, Inc.
Web: www.ddhsoftware.com

Make and manage lists such as to-do lists, inventories, and shopping lists, and organize any kind of information. You can add custom columns, including dates, notes, categories, checkboxes, links, and more. You can also add unlimited-size notes, sub-items, and indentation. It supports numeric columns and amounts with auto-total. The current version is 5.0.
Developer: Ilium Software
Web: www.iliumsoft.com

Oxios ToDo List    
A Smartphone tasks manager to create, edit and modify tasks on your Smartphone and synchronize with MS Outlook. The set of standard views, categories filters and accelerators give you the ability to quickly navigate in the tasks list. You also can customize the display, so your most important tasks stand out.
Developer: Oxios
Web: www.oxios.com


Agenda One    
Provides time, calendar, and contact management funtions. Can be used for your business, by your family, or for personal use. Features one-handed operations that let you navigate your calendar, tasks, and contacts. Other features include time-based filtering and contact smart search help.
Developer: Developer One, Inc.
Web: www.developerone.com

A rubust, complete time-management solution for Smartphones. Papyrus offers many smart views and powerful tools to manage and keep track of your schedule. This is how your Smartphone is supposed to act!
Developer: SBSH Mobile Software
Web: www.sbsh.net

Secure Information Managers

CodeWallet Pro    
Conveniently manage passwords, banking info, online accounts, insurance policies, membership ids, pictures, and more. Provides a convenient and secure solution for managing sensitive personal and business information on a desktop computer or mobile device. The latest version includes enhanced synchronization, a new printing feature and support for more languages. The current version is CodeWallet Pro 2006.
Developer: Developer One, Inc.
Web: www.developerone.com

eWallet Professional    
A secure wallet utility to store info like credit cards, PIN numbers, passwords, emergency medical information, etc. The information is password-protected and encrypted for security. You can organize the information under different categories in "cards." You also can synchronize, enter, print, and back up information to your desktop.
Developer: Ilium Software
Web: www.iliumsoft.com


Web Browsing

Opera Mini    
A mobile phone Web browser.
Developer: Opera Software
Web: www.opera.com

Opera Mobile    
Surf the same Web sites as you do on your personal computer. Opera 8.6 for Windows Mobile is a small, fast and secure Web browser which provides full Internet access on your mobile device. Opera makes normal Web pages fit inside the screen of a small device and gives you the power to navigate Web sites that were not designed with mobile devices in mind.
Developer: Opera Software
Web: www.opera.com

A free Web-based service that reformats large-screen Web pages for viewing on small-screen devices. It can be accessed at skweezer.net by using the portal as a wireless gateway to browse and search the Web. It compresses and reformats content being downloaded so that Web pages load faster and are easier to view and navigate on a small screen.
Developer: Greenlight Wireless Corporation
Web: www.greenlightwireless.net



Pocket Player    
Pocket Player supports MP3, OGG Vorbis, WMA, and WAV files plus a variety of streaming protocols: HTTP, etc. Supports Windows Network, Shoutcast, and Icecast. It also features gapless playback, track crossfading, and Microdrive support, and a 10-band equalizer and preamp with presets (for MP3 and OGG). It supports playlists and is skinnable (Pocket Player skins, WSZ skins).
Developer: Conduits Technologies, Inc.
Web: www.conduits.com

PocketMusic for Smartphone    
An alternative music player for Smartphone devices. It plays MP3, OGG Vorbis, MP1, and MP2 files, and has an advanced playlist editor. Features included are a 10-band equalizer with 18 presets (Dance, Headphones, Live, Pop, Rock, etc.) and a bass booster. Supports mapping of hardware keys to your own custom presets.
Developer: PocketMind Software
Web: www.pocketmind.com

VITO AudioNotes    
Records your notes into MP3 or WAV, features recording presets (low, midium and high quality for MP3 and WAV), VAS, microphone auto gain control. Also good for phone calls recording on WM 5.0 Smarthones. Record either to main memory or to storage card.
Developer: VITO Technology
Web: vitotechnology.com

VITO AudioPlayer    
Supports MP3, Ogg, and WAV. 4 playback modes: play single file, play files in folder, play files in subfolders, and play as an audio book (starts playing from the last stop point). The basic playback features supported in the AudioPlayer are: Shuffle/Repeat/Bass boost.
Developer: VITO Technology
Web: vitotechnology.com


Homescreen Designer    
Create your own Homescreens for your Smartphone. A WYSIWYG editor so in only a few clicks your new Homescreen appears on your device!
Developer: Ruttensoft
Web: www.ruttensoft.com

Resco Photo Viewer    
Manage and view your images in different file formats, including .jpg, .gif, .bmp, .pcx, .cfx, Adobe .psd, and more. It's ideal for organizing, viewing, enhancing, and editing your images. Using the image browser, you can organize and preview images and copy, move, delete, and sort them the way you want. A viewer generates high-quality displays of your images and allows you to run slide shows, play audio, add text, and play animated gifs.
Developer: Resco, Ltd.
Web: www.resco.net

Multimedia Tools

BlueTooth Audio    
Transfers all of the sounds from your internal speaker to your Bluetooth headset.
Developer: Blade2032
Web: www.trianglepowers.com/PPC/Apps.aspx?app=PPC

Multimedia ripper / converter for the desktop.
Developer: Illustrate
Web: www.dbpoweramp.com/

Using this with a Slingbox hardware setup allows you to view live and recorded TV over the Internet. You can also control a DVR remotely with your Windows Mobile device.
Developer: SlingMedia
Web: www.slingmedia.com


CorePlayer Mobile    
A technology agnostic media platform which turns mobile devices like mobile phones, PMP, GPS, and PDA's into multimedia players without the need to replace legacy hardware.
Developer: CoreCodec, Inc.
Web: www.corecodec.com

A media player that allows you to view TV, listen to Internet radio, and view photos and videos over an Internet connection on a Windows Mobile device. It turns your home PC into a broadcasting system.
Developer: Orb Networks, Inc.
Web: www.orb.com

Text and Reference


SlovoEd Multilingual Dictionaries    
Translation and explanatory dictionaries, available for more than 150 language pairs. The unique features are: resident module (enables to translate a word in any application without opening the dictionary), wildcard search, localized dictionary interface. Languages supported: English, Spanish, French, German, Italian, Dutch, Swedish, Portuguese, Czech, Greek, Russian, etc.
Developer: Paragon Software
Web: www.penreader.com

A dictionary with more than 147,000 entries, including a Word Picker feature (look up word definitions inside other apps). Has a total of 1.8 million words. Definitions include usage samples and synonyms, and word links. Follow the links to see synonyms, antonyms, hyponyms, and derivationally related forms. Also, supports wildcard, anagram and phonetic word search.
Developer: TranCreative
Web: www.trancreative.com

Document Viewers

ClearVue Suite    
A viewer that can open and view native MS Office 97, 2000, or XP PowerPoint, Excel, Word, image, or PDF files plus digital images and Adobe Acrobat PDF files. It does not require any additional software or ActiveSync conversion.
Developer: WESTTEK
Web: www.westtek.com

Documents To Go    
Allows you to view, edit, and create native Word, Excel, and PowerPoint files. Now supports Microsoft Office 2007 files. In addition, users can view Adobe PDF files and compress/zip and decompress/unzip e-mail attachments. Includes InTact Technology, enabling your files to never lose their format and data when you make edits on your mobile device.
Developer: DataViz, Inc.
Web: www.dataviz.com

Mobipocket Reader    
An e-book reader which displays text in page-by-page formatting with no scroll bars. It displays fully justified text with hyphenation. You can make bookmarks, highlight text, and annotate text. It displays Tables of Contents, cover pages, and indexes. It supports Open-e-Book and XML/HTML/CSS format. A number of e-books can be bought from the developer's Web site.
Developer: Mobipocket.com
Web: www.mobipocket.com


CIA World Factbook Handheld Edition    
Snapshot of the world; includes flags, maps, and extensive country-specific data. The current version is CIA World Factbook 2006 Handheld Edition.
Developer: Mobifusion Inc.
Web: www.mobifusion.com/

Leonard Maltin's Movie Guide    
Movie guide that places essential facts for over 21,000 films at your fingertips, including ratings and capsule reviews. Summarizes plot, rates quality, and contains great tidbits of information. Also shows upcoming and current DVD movie releases via a free update service on the Internet. Lets you track your movie (DVD, videotape or LaserDisk) collection. Current version is Leonard Maltin's 2006 Movie Guide.
Developer: LandWare, Inc.
Web: www.landware.com

World Almanac - Handheld Edition    
Features 13,750 entries loaded with stats, graphs, tables, and more. Current version is 2006 World Almanac - Handheld Edition.
Developer: Mobifusion Inc.
Web: www.mobifusion.com/

Feed Reader

A full-featured RSS Aggregator with extensive support for audio and video podcasts running on Windows Mobile devices. Download on the Road (no desktop needed): News, Blogs, Audio Podcasts and Video Podcasts. You can update when your device is connected to the Internet (i.e. through a LAN or a Mobile Phone) and read, watch and listen while offline.
Developer: Greg Smith
Web: www.FeederReader.com

Provides the latest podcasts, headlines, weather, sports, business, and entertainment news wirelessly. Keep up-to-date on blogs, bargains, stocks and more. Use your wireless connection to update your headlines.
Developer: Ilium Software
Web: www.iliumsoft.com

Newsgator Go    
Allows users to read content and manage subscriptions directly from any device running the Windows Mobile 2003 or later operating systems. Content including feeds and links is automatically formatted for the device and gets cached and stored locally so you can read it when you are not connected to the Internet.
Developer: Newsgator
Web: www.newsgator.com


Travel Tools

Fizz Traveller    
Provides current weather and forecasts, daylight chart, distances, and international info for over 58,000 world cities. Also includes itinerary planning, city's date and time, multiple alarms, daylight maps, currency conversions, general conversions. Has new graphics, Themes, new interface & home screen support - English, French, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch and Romanian.
Developer: Fizz Software Ltd
Web: www.fizzsoftware.com

Provides essential business-travel services and unlimited flight status updates and animated weather maps. The ultimate business-travel tool. For Smartphone.
Developer: MobiMate
Web: www.mobimate.com



An easy-to-use calculator with full scientific calculator, unit converter, currency converter, and base converter capabilities. The currency converter automatically retrieves exchange rates from the Web for a large variety of currencies. The unit converter converts a wide range of measurements, from distances to hat sizes. Buttons are all customizable.
Developer: Omega One Software LLC
Web: www.omegaone.com

A scientific calculator for the Smartphone. It can add, subtract, divide, and multiply, and calculate the root, square root, or cube root of a number, degrees, radians, or grads, sine, cosine, tangent, arc sine, arc cosine, or arc cotangent, with an internal precision of 32 digits.
Developer: ALL-locations
Web: www.all-locations.com

Math Tablet for Smartphones    
An advanced scientific graphing calculator for scientists and engineers. Math Tablet supports RPN and algebraic entry, matrices and complex numbers. It includes hundreds of built in unit conversions, statistical functions, an integrated programming language, and advanced features such as polynomial root finder, nonlinear equation solver, numerical integration, eigen values and vectors.
Developer: G. Mason
Web: www.statsnow.net

File Management

Resco Explorer for Smartphone    
All the standard file and folder manipulation features that you need in a file explorer. You can copy or delete files, create folders, search for files or folders, view a file's properties, and sort and filter your listings. Includes the following modules: file encryption, ZIP compression, built-in viewer, network browser, registry editor.
Developer: Resco, Ltd.
Web: www.resco.net

Sprite Backup    
Includes all of the functionality of the standard edition and also allows you to back up directly to your PC or network. Safeguards the data, settings, and installed applications on your mobile device from theft, system crashes, malicious code, or during routine upgrades. You can schedule automatic backups of your mobile device to memory cards or directly to your PC.
Developer: Sprite Software Ltd
Web: www.spritesoftware.com

Networking and Remote Desktop

It allows you to manage your e-mail from your mobile device. It can be synchronized with your desktop or with your mailboxes on POP3 or IMAP servers using industrial strength SSL security or going through your SOCKS proxy.
Developer: WebIS, Inc.
Web: www.webis.net

FTP Explorer Mobile    
An FTP Client for Windows Mobile-based devices. It allows you to transfer Web sites, videos, music, applications, or documents to your home or office in the background while you do other tasks.
Developer: Orneta
Web: www.orneta.com

True Connect    
Lets you directly control your mobile device using the PC's mouse and keyboard. Simply move the mouse cursor off the PC monitor and onto the connected device screen. All aspects of the device such as the Home screen, menus, and applications can be controlled from your PC.
Developer: Raspberry Software Limited
Web: www.raspberrysoftware.com


PhatNotes 5    
A notes organizer that lets you create notes and categorize them by type, subject, and date. Works on Windows-based smartphones, Pocket PCs, and desktop PCs. You can also synchronize notes between multiple platforms, allowing you to manage and access personal information on-the-go.
Developer: PhatWare Corporation
Web: www.phatware.com

An application that can be used to view and edit your Outlook Notes on your Smartphone. You can make new Notes, change or delete Notes, and have Notes transferred to Microsoft Outlook at your next synchronization. Works with Outlook 2000, 2002 XP, 2003, and ActiveSync 3.7.1 or later.
Developer: Syncdata
Web: www.syncdata.it

Screen Capture and Display

SBSH Facade    
A highly customizable tab-based Home screen plug-in for Smartphone devices. You can view your upcoming and future appointments and tasks directly on your Smartphone Home screen, keeping you up to date on all your important appointments and tasks.
Developer: SBSH Mobile Software
Web: www.sbsh.net

SOTI Pocket Controller-Pro    
An application that lets you control and operate your PPC/SP from your desktop PC. Version 6 offers ten products in one, including: Real-Time Remote Control, Presentation & Training Tools, File Sync, File Explore Tool, Registry Editor, Task Manager, System Information, Screen/Video Capture, Printing, Macro-Recording, Executing DOS commands, Remote Device Wipe, and more.
Developer: SOTI Inc.
Web: www.soti.net

System and Registry

SKTools Standard    
A maintenance toolkit program. Cleans the registry and the file system, frees up RAM, and more.
Developer: SKKV Software
Web: s-k-tools.com

Tweaks2K2 .NET for Smartphone    
Collection of registry hacks for the SmartPhone that help users to take full control of their devices.
Developer: Tweaks2k2
Web: www.tweaks2k2.com

VITO CopyPaste    
A system utility that simplifies managing your Smartphone. Copy or cut the info from an edit box and paste it to another one. You can also select the necessary part of the edit box contents for copying or cutting to another editable field.
Developer: VITO Technology
Web: vitotechnology.com

Task Management

A resource and task manager for mobile devices. Lists all running tasks and processes, along with the CPU and memory usage of each. Also charts total CPU usage, usage for each process, power consumption, and network utilization. You can also list all loaded modules and filter the modules by a selected task, or display tasks that use a specific module.
Developer: acbPocketSoft
Web: www.acbPocketSoft.com

SP Task Manager    
SP Task Manager is a utility for your Smartphone that allows you to manage running applications, get phone battery/memory status, and format SD/MMD cards. Give it a try; the trial version is not time-limited.
Developer: Binarys
Web: www.binarys.com

A set of 2 tools, a battery monitor and a task manager. The battery monitor is a small utility that displays the state of your battery, internal memory, and storage cards. The task manager makes it easy to close your Smartphone applications or switch to any running application.
Developer: Resco, Ltd.
Web: www.resco.net

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Best Smartphone Software Awards 2007

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2008. 2. 27. 19:54

삼성 블랙잭이  북미에서 200만대 돌파를 눈앞에 두고 있다고 합니다. 블랙잭 사용자로서 기분 좋은 일입니다.

이재용 삼성전자 전무가 애착을 보인다고 해서 JY폰 (재용폰) 으로 불린다고도 하네요...

미국에선 WM6 으로 무상 업그레이드 해주는데... 많이 팔려서 그런가요??  국내는 10만명이라서 작아서 안해주남 ??

기사는 요기 에 가시면 보실 수 있습니다.

삼성 블랙잭 '북미서 잭팟' - 전자신문 : 전자신문

Posted by krsuncom
IT 이야기2008. 2. 12. 13:03

구글(www.google.com)의 개방형 모바일 플랫폼인 안드로이드(Android)를 채택한 일명 구글폰의 프로토타입이 드디어 베일을 벗고 모습을 드러냈습니다. 스페인 바르셀로나에서 열리고 있는 모바일세계회의(Mobile World Congress)에 사진에서 보는 바와 같이 구글의 안드로이드를 채택한 구글폰 프로토타입 공개되었다고 합니다.

그림을 누르면 이동합니다.


링크 주소 : http://www.engadget.com/photos/google-attacks-android-at-mobile-world-congress-1/


아래 주소에 가면 있습니다.


맘에드는 개방형 플랫폼!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2008. 1. 30. 19:50

오늘 블랙잭을 가지고 삼성 와이즈원폰에 가입을 했습니다.

그냥 따지고 보면 그냥 070 인터넷 전화죠

블랙잭을 사용한다는것 빼고는.

요금 아끼는 것 보다는 블랙잭을 좀더 활용하는 차원에서 가입했습니다.

sch-m620 으로 가입했습니다.

설정 방법은 아래글들을 보면 나와 있구요..

가입하고 나면 엔지니어가 전화를 줍니다...차근차근 따라하면 됩니다.

가입은 대리점을 통해서 밖에 안된다고 하네요.

신청은 오전에 했구요 4시 쯤에 고객센터와 통화하면서 개통했습니다.

않좋은 점은

발신번호 변경이 휴대폰으로는 않되는 점.

T-Zone 및 계정 설정화면 들어가는 게 번호를 복잡하게 눌러서 들어가야 하는점. (초기 설정 복잡)

T-Zone 설정이 무지 까자롭다는것 SSID 를 다 손으로 쳐주어야 합니다.
 (낯선곳에 있을 경우 설정하기가 무지 귀찮을 듯)

게다가 WEP 키값은  ASCII 가 아닌 HEX 코드로 쳐야 된다는것....

그리고 음질이 좀 샤프한 느낌이 있습니다. 표현이 많나????

밧데리 소모도 좀 걱정이 됩니다. 대용량을 사야하나???

또 와이즈원폰 만의 차별적인 서비스는 전무합니다.

그리고 SPH-M6200 은 공식적으로는 않된다고 하던데요..

전체적으론 괜찮은 것 같습니다.

좀 더 많이 써본 다음에 전체적인 리뷰를 올리겠습니다.

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2008. 1. 30. 16:47

삼성 와이즈원폰 설명서에 나와있는 팁입니다.

기존에 많이 공개 되었던 방법인것 같은데.. 블랙잭 MAC 주소 확인은 처음 알게 된 팁입니다.


      홈 스크린 화면에서 *#232338# 를 누릅니다.
      그러면 무선랜카드의MAC Address 가 확인 됩니다.


      부팅시에 네비게이션위쪽버튼(OK버튼위방향) 과블랙잭우측면의카메라이동메뉴버튼

       2개의버튼을함께누르면  블랙잭을포맷할수있는화면으로이동합니다.

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2008. 1. 10. 15:56

어제 애니콜 공식 홈페이지에 SCH-M620 펌웨어 업데이트 정보이다.

오늘 애니콜 공식 홈페이지에 공개된 업그레이드 정보 이다

AL21 (2007-12-21) 버전에서 AJ08(2007-10-08) 로 바뀌었다.

최신 다운그레이드 펌웨어 버전이다.

어제 우여곡절끝에 AL21로 업그레이드를 했건만…….  다운 그레이드를 해야 하나????????????

공지사항에 아무 내용도 없다. 무슨 심각한 문제가 있나보다.

홈페이지는 새로 단장했다고 하는데...펌웨어는 다운그레이드 라니...

우리나라 대표기업이라는 삼성이다.

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2008. 1. 10. 13:17

SKT 블랙잭 SCH-M620 모델용 펌웨어가 12월 21자로 릴리즈 되었습니다.

몇몇 곳에서 업데이트 문제점에대해서 리포트 하고 있습니다.

o USIM카드를 인식문제

o 문자메시지 발송이 불가한 문제

본인의 경우에는 위와 같은 문제가 발생하지 않았습니다.

2008/01/08 - [블랙잭이야기] - 블랙잭 (SCH-M620) 펌웨어가 업데이트 되었다.

하다가 안되어서 포맷(초기화) 하고 컴퓨터도 바꾸어서 업그레이드를 해서 그런 같은데.

이번 업그레이드는 일단 업그레드 블랙잭이 초기화된 다는 생각은 하셔야 합니다.

신중하게 자료 백업을 하고 나서 업그레이드를 진행해야 합니다.

업그레이드 완료 후 발생한 문제는 초기화하면 해결이 된다고 합니다.

리셋법 : 전화기 평상 화면에서 319712358 -> 비밀번호 : 6725 ->메뉴9번 공정 초기화

참고글 : http://cafe.naver.com/bjphone/20654

본인 블랙잭의 경우 업그레이드 중에 문제가 생겨서 포맷모드로 진입하여 초기화한 후 업그레이드를 진행하였습니다.

포맷모드 진입 방법 : 꺼진 상태에서 네비게이션 위방향키 + 사이드 키 (카메라 키) + 전원 버튼 누르면 진입합니다.

그상태에서 KEY1 을 누르라고 하는데 숫자 1번입니다. 그다음에 y 를 누르면 초기화(포맷)진행 합니다.

업그레이드 실패시 응급복구일 경우 컴퓨터를 바꾸어서 업그레이드를 진행할 경우 :

>>>> 본인의 경우인데 응급 복구는 업그레이드를 진행하던 컴퓨터에서만 가능하다고 합니다.

따라서 업그레이드시 정보를 옮겨야 되는데..미츠 업그레이드 프로그램이 깔려있는 디렉토리의 Data 폴더를

새로운 컴퓨터에 복사하시면 다른 컴퓨터에서도 응급 복구가 가능 합니다.

이번 업그레이드 문제점의 결론은 : 초기화 입니다. 초기화 하시면 해결 됩니다.

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2008. 1. 8. 11:36

드디어 블랙잭용 네비게이션이 출시될 예정인가 보다.

투피 자유게시판 글에 따르면 2월에 출시 된다고 한다.

공식 홈페이지는 JBNavi  다.

제품 소개 페이지는 http://www.jbnavi.com/JBNavi/jbnavi_Main/product03.php

아직 출시는 되지 않았나 본데. 투데이피피시 사이트에 간략히 소개가 되어있다.

 블랙잭 전용 네비게이션 JB NAVI 

블루투스 GPS 를 연결해서 사용하면 될듯 하다. 패키지로 팔것 같기도 한데..

사실 블랙잭2에는 GPS가 내장이라 국내에 출시되면 정말 좋을텐데...

블랙잭 자체가 좀 느리긴 해서 걱정이 되긴 하지만 ...

제조사 홈페이지는   http://www.enjoybt.co.kr/ 이다.

Posted by krsuncom
아이폰2007. 11. 26. 17:19

아래 기사에 소개되어있다. 실제 동영상 링크가 없어서 올려본다.

출처 : "아이폰 대항마는 LG보이저"...美서 보이저랩송 인기 - 전자신문

"아이폰 대항마는 LG보이저"...美서 보이저랩송 인기

“난 사람들이 휴대폰에 불평하는 것이 짜증나. 나는 야, 아이폰의 파괴자 ‘LG 보이저’가 있지.”
동영상 사이트 유튜브에 국내 휴대폰을 찬사하는 ‘랩송’이 올라와 화제다. 보이저는 LG전자가 21일(현지시각) 북미 지역에 야심차게 출시한 스마트폰. 보이저 랩송은 모바일TV·GPS 등 다양한 기능을 갖춘 보이저의 장점을 익살스러운 랩으로 엮은 것이 특징이다. 주인공은 노키아 휴대폰은 변기에 처박아버리고 스마트폰의 대명사가 된 애플 ‘아이폰’보다 보이저가 낫다고 추켜 세운다. 이 동영상의 조회건수는 2만8000회.
동영상의 인기가 올라가자 포브스는 “애플 아이폰 팬에 못지않은 보이저 팬이 있다”며 동영상 제작자를 조명하고 아이폰과의 경쟁 가능성을 집중 분석했다. CBS방송국에 근무하는 동영상 제작자 랩 잭슨은 보이지 팬사이트 ‘버라이즌보이저(VerizonVoyager.org)’도 운영한다. 이 사이트 방문객 수도 매일 1만명에 달한다.

보이저 랩송 등장에 가장 반기는 것은 보이저를 공급하는 미국 통신사업자 버라이즌. 경쟁사인 AT&T가 아이폰을 독점 공급해 속을 태웠던 버라이즌은 LG 보이저가 ‘아이폰 대항마’로 주목받는 분위기에 반색을 감추지 못하고 있다. 버라이즌와이어리스 조 사라시노 부사장은 “휴대폰 단 한 기종에 이렇게 뜨거운 반응을 보이는 팬 사이트는 그동안 보지 못했다”고 말했다.
가로 폴더 형태인 LG 보이저는 인터넷·e메일·SMS 등 다양한 멀티미디어 서비스를 사용할 수 있으며 터치스크린과 함께 쿼티(QWERTY) 자판도 제공, 문자 입력이 한층 쉽다.

류현정기자@전자신문, dreamshot@etnews.co.kr

"아이폰 대항마는 LG보이저"...美서 보이저랩송 인기 - 전자신문

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2007. 11. 22. 14:42

블랙잭2 동영상 - 부드러운 화면 움직임을 볼 수 있다. 기존 블랙잭 보다 훨씬 자연스럽다.

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2007. 11. 22. 13:50

블랙잭2의 풀스펙이다.  GPS가 없다. GPS는 SGH-i780 에 있는 기능인것 같다.





Groups of frequency which is allocated to wireless communication.

3.6Mbps UMTS/HSDPA (850,1900,2100 MHz) GPRS/EDGE (850/900/1800/1900MHz)

Network & Data


Network & Data
A communication system for data transmission


Operation System


Operation System
The organized essential part of Telecommunications Management Network(TMN)

Microsoft Windows Mobile 6.0


3.52 ounces

Dimension (HXWXD)
4.4" x 2.3" x 0.4"



65 TFT Color



A measure of graphics on a display device

320x240 Pixel




Talk time


Talk time
The length of time that caller can talk with their cell phone without recharging the battery

Up to 7 hrs.



Status of operation of equipment that is ready for use but not in use

Up to 14 days

User Interface

Input Device


Input Device
A hardware mechanism that transforms information to the external world.

QWERTY Keypad & Front Jog Wheel


Camera Resolution


Camera Resolution
A measure of how closely packed the dots in a bitmapped image are

2.0 Megapixel

Digital / Optical Zoom


Digital / Optical Zoom
Optical Zoom is the number of times the maximum focal length of a zoom lens is larger than the minimum focal length. Digital Zoom is a method of decreasing (narrowing) the apparent angle of view of a digital photographic or video image

4x digital zoom

Shot mode


Shot mode
Enables taking still pictures.


Photo effects


Photo effects
Edit the colour tone of pictures or apply special effects.

Photo effects


Video player


Video player
A type of media player that shows video files.

Yes MPEG4,H.263,WMV

Video recording


Video recording
A function that records video in a digital format.


Video Streaming


Video Streaming
Capable of displaying video contents.


Music & Sound

Music Player


Music Player
Stores, organizes and plays digital music files.

Mobile Music

3D sound technology


3D sound technology
A group of sound effects that attempt to widen the stereo image produced.


Music Library


Music Library
Stores music files for the use for media production.


Fun & Entertainment

Embedded JAVA™ Games


Embedded JAVA™ Games
Embedding object-oriented programming game played


JAVA™ Download


JAVA™ Download
Download application based on JAVA programming


Embedded Wallpaper


Embedded Wallpaper
Wallpaper built in Mobile Phone as a default Image


Mobile TV


Mobile TV
DMB- or DVB-H-receivers in mobile phones allow the mobile user to receive TV-programmes in high quality




A new type of online media delivery that provides an access to online audio and video services.


FM Radio


FM Radio
Users can listen to the live-broadcast FM radio.


Business & Office

Document Viewer


Document Viewer
Allows users to view documents on their device.

Picsel Viewer

Voice memo & Voice mail


Voice memo & Voice mail
Voice Memo records and stores simple voice message. Voice Mail is an e-mail system that is recorded by voice.





1.SMS: Short Message Service 2.EMS: An application-level extension to SMS for cellular phones (Enhanced Message Service) 3.MMS: A way to send a message from one mobile to another can include not just text, but also sound, images and video


Predictive Text Input T9


Predictive Text Input T9
Pre-loaded with six thousands of words and even emoticons, punctuation




Enables messages to be transferred from an individual to another individual or from an individual to a group of people.


Instant Messaging


Instant Messaging
A form of real-time communication between two or more people based on typed text





A short-range wireless radio technology that allows electronic devices to connect to one another.



External Memory


External Memory
The permanent storage of large quantities of data.

microSD™ External Memory Slot

Personal Information Management



A schedule management function.




An operating system that allows users to store scheduling and event information.





An application displaying the local time in the any time zone around the world.




A function that alerts a user with beeps at pre-set time(s).


Currency converter


Currency converter
Converts currencies according to the exchange rate set.




Translate some languages with voice recognition.




An in-phone calculator which performs addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division.


Stop watch


Stop watch
A feature that measures time intervals.


Call functions



A telephone with a microphone and loudspeaker


Call Cost / Call Time


Call Cost / Call Time
Call Cost is the cost of individual calls made on a phone service.




One-to-a-few communication service


Dialed/missed/received calls


Dialed/missed/received calls
Logging a kind of calls.


Features and specifications are subject to change without prior notification.

SGH-I617 (BlackJack II) AT&T - mobile phones SAMSUNG

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2007. 11. 22. 13:37

미국에 블랙잭2 공식 사이트이다. 블랙잭2의 다양한기능을 볼 수 있다.



Posted by krsuncom
새로운소식2007. 11. 14. 14:26

드디어 와이브로폰 SPH-M8200가 출시 되었다.


출처: 삼성전자,신규 와이브로 단말기 출시 - 전자신문 : 전자신문

삼성전자,신규 와이브로 단말기 출시


 삼성전자(대표 윤종용)가 스마트폰 1종, 복합단말기 1종, USB모뎀 2종 등 기능과 디자인에서 업그레이드된 총 4종의 다양한 와이브로 단말기를 13일 출시했다.
 ‘와이브로 스마트폰 2’(SPH-M8200)는 와이브로와 CDMA 1X EVDO를 동시에 지원해 초고속 무선 인터넷과 음성·영상통화 등 다양한 서비스를 이용할 수 있는 PDA형 단말기이다.
 16.6mm 두께의 막대형 디자인에 진동 터치 기능을 적용했다. 지상파 DMB, 블루투스, 파일뷰어 기능 등을 내장했고 프레임 편집, 파노라마 촬영, 배경음악 삽입 등 UCC 관련 기능을 탑재했다.
 ‘디럭스 미츠(MITs) 2’(SPH-P9200)는 윈도우 XP 운영체제를 탑재하고 있어 일반 PC처럼 사용할 수 있는 복합 단말기다. 와이브로, 와이파이, HSDPA, 음성·영상통화를 모두 지원한다. 터치 마우스 기능 등을 갖춘 3단 접이식 디자인이다.
 USB모뎀인 SWT-H200K는 와이브로, SPH-H1300는 와이브로와 HSDPA를 동시에 지원한다. 이번에 나오는 와이브로 제품은 모두 KT를 통해 출시된다.

홍기범기자@전자신문, kbhong@etnews.co.kr

Posted by krsuncom
블랙잭이야기2007. 11. 5. 19:24


드디어 SPH-M8200 와이브로 폰이 판매를 앞두고 있다고 한다.

오늘이 5일인데..언제부터 팔겠다는건지...  현재 나온 스마트폰들은 대부분 지연되어 출시되었다.

그것도 무지무지...하루 지연 하루 지연....예약 구매자들 애간장을 녹이면서...

블랙잭일때는...참 이렇게라도 구매를 해야 싶었었는데..

제발 발표나 하지 말던지..나오고 난뒤 발표좀 했으면 어떨까 싶다.

아래는 전자신문 기사이다. 삼성전자, 두 번째 와이브로 PDA폰 판매 - 전자신문 : 전자신문


삼성전자, 두 번째 와이브로 PDA폰 판매

 삼성전자가 두번째 내놓은 와이브로 PDA폰이 5일부터 KT를 통해 전격 판매된다.

 4일 삼성전자와 KT는 국내 처음으로 삼성전자가 개발한 와이브로 PDA폰 ‘SPH-M8100’의 후속 제품인 ‘SPH-M8200·사진’을 주말 동안 KT 유통망을 통해 공급, 5일부터 본격 판매에 들어간다고 밝혔다.

 KT 관계자는 “그동안 망연동 테스틀 진행해 최근 끝냈으며 이번 판매로 KT 와이브로가 되는 휴대폰 제품군은 총 3개로 늘어나게 됐다”며 “앞으로도 다양한 제품을 계속 선보일 예정”이라고 말했다.

 SPH-M8200은 외형 디자인을 뺀 나머지 기본 기능은 SPH-M8100과 유사하다. 이전 제품이 채택한 슬라이드를 바타입으로 바꾸고 키패드를 없앤 7.112㎝(2.8인치) 전면 LCD 터치스크린을 채택했다. 진공 터치 기능을 적용해 진동의 느낌을 제공하며 지상파 DMB 시청이 가능하다. EVDO를 지원해 KTF를 통해 무선통신 서비스 가입이 가능하다.

 이번 제품 출시로 올해 국내에 등장한 PDA폰과 스마트폰은 6종에 달하면 내년 상반기까지 2∼3종이 추가로 등장할 것으로 전망된다. 특히, 와이브로, WiFi 등 새로운 통신기능을 갖추고 터치스크린과 쿼티 자판 등 디자인이 개선을 물론 모나한 CPU와 윈도모바일6.0 등 성능까지 한단계 업그레이드된 제품들이 대거 선보일 예정이어서 앞으로 휴대폰 시장도 다기능 제품들이 경쟁이 치열해질 전망이다.

 서동규기자@전자신문, dkseo@

○ [전자신문] 2007/11/04  19:28

삼성전자, 두 번째 와이브로 PDA폰 판매 - 전자신문 : 전자신문

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