개발이야기2007. 10. 24. 18:36

재미있는 기능이 많다....아마도 국내 블랙잭엔 안되는게 많을 듯 하다..



> Tweaks & Hacks For Your Blackjack

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Posted: Nov 25 2006, 12:25 AM

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Group: Admin
Posts: 140
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Joined: 22-November 06

This section will be dedicated to Tweaks and Hacks for your Blackjack. Tweaks and Hacks are basically modifications to the registry on your Blackjack to improve things like, speed, user workflow and other things....
One thing to remember - When making changes to the registry as listed in any of the items below, you do so at your own risk and BlackjackSmartZone will not be held responsible. Ensure that you have a knowledge of making registry changes or that you have backed up your registry prior to attempting any changes...
Our recommendation is that you use software that has been specifically designed to make these changes without the need for you to edit the registry. The best application for this is
SmartTweaker which provide in exces of 55 tweaks and hacks all programmed into an application that will make these changes automatically, as and when new tweaks are discovered these are automatically added at no extra charge.

If you know of any others, please feel free to add them to this area.
Call Beep - Change the following registry setting to turn off the beep when you first make a call on your Blackjack!
Change String/Value InitVol to 0

Call History - Change the following settings to increase the Call History on your Blackjack.
"CallHistoryMax" contains the number of numbers that will be kept in history. I.e. change it to 100 Create the key string and set the value to whatever you like.

Camera Shutter Sound - Change the following Registry settings to turn off the Camera Shutter Sound.
Modify the string/value \windows\shuttersound_02_secs.wav to say \windows\*none* (remember to include the ** around none)

Font Gamma Change - Want to change the brightness of the font that is used on your Blackjack, simply change the registry settings below and you can have a duller font or a brighter font....In the registry simply change the following values -
Font Weight Change - Want your font thickness to be thinner or thicker???Make the following changes in the registry and Voila! thicker or thinner font!!!
change the wt default value to a lower value to make it thinner or a higher value to make it thicker

List View/Grid View - Change the following registry settings to get a List View or a Grid View in your start Menu:
Change the GridView value to 0 if you want list view.
Change it to 1 if you want grid view.

Never Miss SMS Again - This tweak will enable you to never miss an SMS message again, it will enable fast blinking mode on new SMS messages that are recieved so you will never miss those important ones!!In the registry simply change the following values -
change the default value to - pf1w99999f0
Change the default value to - pf0

Password Protection - Change the following registry settings to have password protection for your Data Connections.
If you want it to require you to put a password in when you login on to the internet do the following: inside the broadband and express folder change requirepw from 0 to 1, it will require u to put in a password. Perform the same action in the following Keys.

Program Security Warning Message - Off - This will turn off the security warning message that is displayed when you install non certified software. NOTE: This does open up the possibility of malware becoming installed on your phone, since the warning message will not appear to prompt you. In the registry simply change the following values -
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\\Policies Folders
change the 0000101a default value to - 1

Memory Defrag - This tweak will enable you to free up memory by doing a memory defrag in realtime!! In the registry simply change the following values -
Create a Key and set the value - NEVERDORKMEMORY

Smaller Scrollbars - Perform the following regustry changes to allows 4 icons on a row in the start menu instead of 3! It also allows more to be viewed on the screen in IE!
2) Adjust the following values
cyHScr : Horizontal Scrollbars
Height in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
cxVScr : Vertical Scrollbars
Width in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
3) Soft-reset

SMS Message hack - Make the following adjustments to get rid of the "SMS Message Sent" popup that appears after sending a text!
Click on Inbox (make sure the Inbox is highlighted) and select Edit, New Key
Name the New Key as "Settings"
Click on "Settings" (make sure the Settings is highlighted) and select Edit, New String Value
On "Value name:", key in SMSNoSentMsg and in "Value data", key in 1
Soft reset your device and test it with one SMS, and you will notice that the SMS Sent bubble is being disabled.

Speed Increase - The following tweaks greatly improve the Blackjack performance, making it much more responsive. Simply open your Blackjackregistry using your chosen Registry Editor and change the values below.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GDI\GLYPHCACHE\ (Change limit from 16384 to 32768)
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\FATFS (Change CacheSize to 4096)

Customization of Start Menu Programs List - Want to reorder the items in your Start Menu?? Make the following changes to update what and how they appear.. In the registry simply change the following values -
Resource Management
Internet Explorer.lnk
Call History.lnk
MSN Messenger.lnk
Simply change the order in which they appear in the list and this will also be the new order in which they appear on your Smartphone..

Startup/Boot Sound - Change the following registry setting to have a new startup and shutdown sound play -
At the very bottom of the list of entries, there is an entry called AllSounds
Open that up and you'll see a list of mp3 files.
All you have to do is append your own audio files (mp3, wma, or wav) to the list. Then you have to make sure that you place your new audio clips in the \Windows folder so that they are accessible.
The next time you go to the sounds events page, the drop down menu will contain the new clips you added.
If you want to change the system startup sound, go to:
Change the hidden wav file, \Windows\Piano.wav to \Windows\YOUR_WAV_GOES_HERE.wav

True SMS Delete - Your SMS Messages are never truly deleted (even though you click delete), this tweak will make possible a true SMS delete, the Delete folder will remain empty. Awesome if someone looks at your phone (your SMS will have been truly deleted!!) In the registry simply change the following values -
change the DWORD MaxDeletedMsgs value to - 0

BlackjackSmartZone (Home) -> Tweaks & Hacks For Your Blackjack

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 10. 10. 09:57

원문이라네 : 요기

Tweaks and Hacks

Post registry and software hacks to make your TyTN do even more here.
(Obviously none of these will be supported by either HTC or your local phone service provider. Use these at your own risk.)
Registry Editors:
Mobile Registry Editor
Works with Mobile 5 though developed for older

Change Bluetooth Name Without Changing Owner Name
Normally the name of your device which is displayed when using bluetooth is the owner name.
To change this use a registry editor and browse to
\HCKU\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Settings\Local Name
And change the value of the local name key to what ever you want.
Internet Explorer Navigation
The default behaviour for your device's four-way direction button in Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) is to jump between hyperlinks/form fields on a web page. To change this behaviour so that the button scrolls the page left, right, up and down, use the following tweak:
\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav = 0 (DWORD decimal)
And to re-enable hyperlink/form field navigation:
\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav = 1 (DWORD decimal)
NB: You may still jump between links using Tab and Shift-Tab if your device has a built-in hardware keyboard.
WM5: Increase Performance and Speed

Boost Windows Mobile 5 performance by makeing the following changes in the registry...
[HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS] CacheSize = 4096 EnableCache = 1
[HKLM\System\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxfilt] ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096
Default values for all keys are 0. Soft reset for changes to take effect.
Disable Menu Animation

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu, then change the value of "AniType" from 6 (default) to 0.
This disables the menu animation which helps in speeding up your PocketPC.
Change the Tap and Hold Dots Colours

1) Go to the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Color\ key.
2) Add a Binary value called "40" if it does not already exist.
3) Set the value to "rr gg bb 00" (RGB hex values 00 to FF so "FF 00 000 00" is Red)
SMS Settings

SMS Notification Always On
"SMSDeliveryNotify"=dword:00000001 ->0 to disable, 1 to enable.
Disable SMS Sent Notification
"SMSNoSentMsg"=dword:00000001 ->0 to enable, 1 to disable.
Bottom tray icons

Remove the Battery Icon:
Remove the Wireless Manager Icon:
Restore local language support for sliding keyboard after upgrade to a different language ROM

This has been reported not to work, see below for another hack
You need to create Registry value of name "Locale" and type of "String" and data of "Localization ID" within [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Keybd]
Localization IDs:
French = 040c
German = 0407
Italian = 0410
Japanese = 0411
Kazakh = 043f
Russian = 0419
Other IDs can be found here: Tweaks and Hacks - htcwikihttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/winxp/xp-lcid.mspx.
Some versions of the OS seem to be case sensitive on this value, and if it does not work, try upper case letters. Registry example for say russian kbd:
Modification to keyboard hack. The above solution does not work for the Hermes the following new settings are required.

Goto the following registry entry
There is a key called 'Layout' and it is in Decimal.
The default value of English ROM is 20409, and Chinese ROM is 20404 (both are in hexadecimal).
The suitable value for German Hermes keyboard is 20407 (132103 in decimal).
Probably Hermes use 20+country ID (409=WWE, 407=German, 404=Trad. Chinese, etc...) format for keyboard layout value.

The above settings does not work with the latest Hermes firmware, the following is required.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1]
The last setting is the same as in the above solution
These settings are for Norwegian keyboard, country code : 0414
Tested on fw. 1.31.502.1
Improve BT A2DP sound quality

Add new dword, Value name=BitPool; Value data=48 (Decimal)
Modify, Value name=UseJointStereo; Value data=0 (Decimal, Originally 1)
For BitPool:
Microsoft suggests the following bitpool values for optimal buffer sizes.
30 - Low audio quality
40 - Medium audio quality
48 - High audio quality
58 - Excellent audio quality
Chose one you like. I think 48 is good enough.
For UseJointStereo: use 0 instead of 1, then you got the real stereo.
Show Network Operator Name in today screen

Restoring Today Item: WiFi, BT and Phone Connection Status
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items] Create "Wireless" use Key "Flags"=dword:00000000
  • Enable clicking on the today plugin above open Comm Manager
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\WrlsMgr] Create key "Redirect" "Redirect"= "\Windows\CommManager.exe"
Restore clock on top bar

"ShowTitleBarClock"=1 (enable)
"ShowTitleBarClock"=0 (disable)
PocketIE Cache in storage card

Create these folders:
\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Temporary Internet Files
\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Cookies
\Storage Card\Pocket IE\History
Add the following registry keys, string data type:
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
"Cache"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Temporary Internet Files"
"Cookies"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Cookies"
"History"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\History"
Disable flashing service LEDs

"Index"=0 Note! Disables vibrating.
Adding disconnect GPRS/UMTS button

To add Disconnect button and a timer display showing how long GRPS is in use for the session: HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 16 (DWORD decimal) To have only Disconnect button: HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 8 (DWORD decimal) To disable both the Disconnect button and the timer: HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Disable annoying beeps when changing in-call volume

There are actually 3 different sounds in play here: the one at the bottom end of the slider (quietest), the one in the middle posisitions (standard), and the one at the top end of the slider (loudest). These are handled by 3 registry keys: HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\LoudestInCallVolume
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\StandardInCallVolume Within each of these keys the default 'Script' value is 'p' for 'play', change the 'Script' value to blank (erase the 'p').
Change ringtone/vibrate/LED flash characteristics

If you would like more control over how your device rings/vibrates/flashes its LEDs on events, you can can change the Script values of these events.
For example, for an incoming call performing 'activate device, play ringtone, wait 3 seconds, repeat':
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "apw3r" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
For performing 'active device, set volume to 33%, play ringtone, set volume to 67%, play ringtone, set volume to 100%, play ringtone (no repeat)':
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "ac33pc67pc100p" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
The following are the full codes available to you.
Please note that all the codes are executed simultaneously except after a ringtone play / wait code. E.g. 'v1p' will vibrate and play at the same time, while vibrating for 1 second. But 'pv1' will play the ringtone through all the way first, then start vibrating for 1 second. a = activate device
cN = set volume to N in percentage max volume
fN = flash notification LED for N seconds
p = play ringtone. Note that this will play the ringtone all the way through before continuing with the next code.
r = repeat. Note that this should be the last code in your Script string, if used at all. The repeat will be from the most recent a. So: v3apr will vibrate once then repeat the ring signal.
vN = vibrate for N seconds
wN = wait for N seconds. Note that the device will wait this long before continuing with the next code.

Tweaks and Hacks - htc

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 8. 30. 15:20

아주 주의를 요하는 작업이다  SKT 블랙잭의 경우 Connectios의 값에

SKT IE GPRS/SKT WAP GPRS 이 있는데 Enabled 를 수정하면 접속을 막을 수도 있을거 같다.

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\SKT IE GPRS\Enabled

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\SKT WAP GPRS\Enabled
기타내용은 아래 참조...


Registry Settings

Changing the registry can be a dangerous thing to do - do not make these changes below unless you know what you are doing and that you have a way to revert the changes if they do not do what you expect.

If any of the changes listed below do not work then do a soft reset of your phone. Many programs only pick up their registry settings when they start up and do not notice changes whle they are running, so a soft reset ensures that every program restarts and picks up any changes that have been made.

People, awesome registry hack forum here with downloadable hacks to make it easier.


All credits to Protochip for the hardwork in compiling it.

To change the softkeys on the Today screen
  • The left-hand softkey settings are at 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112', the right-hand softkey settings are at 'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113'
  • The 'Default' string value can be changed to whatever text you wish to have displayed
  • The 'Open' string value can be changed to the program you wish to run when the softkey is pressed

For example, to change the left-hand softkey to start Pocket Excel you would set

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112\(Default) = Pocket Excel
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112\Open = \windows\pxl.exe

If you want to change the left-hand softkey to start Messaging you would set

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112\(Default) = Messages
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112\Open = \Windows\tmail.lnk

If you want to change the right-hand softkey to start Contacts you would set

  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113\(Default) = Contacts
  • HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113\Open = \Windows\?AppButtons\Contacts.lnk

To set or remove the operator phone skin
  • The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Phone\Skin'
  • The 'Enabled' DWORD value can be set to '1' to show the operator skin or '0' to show the default skin

For example, to show the default skin

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Phone\Skin\Enabled = 0

To hide or show the GPS connection in the connections panel
  • The settings are at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings'
  • The 'Hide' DWORD value should be set to '0' or deleted to show the panel and to '1' to hide the panel
  • The 'Group' DWORD value should be set to '2' to show the panel and deleted to hide the panel

For example, to show the GPS connection in the connectionss panel

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\Hide = 0
  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\Group = 2

To change the ability to receive files via Bluetooth (OBEX)
  • The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Obex'
  • The 'IsEnabled' DWORD value should be set to '1' to enable OBEX and '0' to disable OBEX.

For example, to enable the ability to receive fles via Bluetooth

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Obex\IsEnabled = 1

To set the data connection to remain permanently on
  • The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\(GPRS connection name)'

    • (GRPS connection name) is the name of your connection to the outside world
  • The 'AlwaysOn' DWORD value can be set to '1' to remain on permanently or '0' to turn on and off as required

For example, to set the data connection always on for a T-Mobile MDA Pro

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Comm\ConnMgr\Providers\{7C4B7A38-5FF7-4bc1-80F6-5DA7870BB1AA}\Connections\T-Mobile Internet\AlwaysOn = 1

To change the display of the screen rotation icon in the system tray
  • The setting is at 'HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\ROTATION'
  • The 'HideOrientationUI' DWORD value can be set to '1' to hide the icon or '0' to show the icon

For example, to hide the screen rotation icon

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\ROTATION\HideOrientationUI = 1

MS Voice Command activation from BT headset:

Now this one is sweet and makes the JASJAR the daddy for voice commands.

  • Install Voice Command to the default location.
  • Fire up a registry editor
  • Modify the string marked "path" from the default \Windows\SDDialer.exe to \Program Files\Voice Command\?VoiceCMD.exe
  • Now, when you press your BT headset connect button, MS Voice command will fire up and take commands through the headset. It's reponses will be played through the headset too.

Edit 18/11/06 by mikechad The new version (1.6) does not create the "path" Add a path then add the registry as above- works fine on my Orange spv M5000

How to Disable the Start Menu Animation

  • Set the "AniType" value data to 0 (Set to 6 to return to full animation).
  • Soft reset.

How to Enable Window Animation

  • Set the "Animate" value data to 1 (Set to 0 to return to no animation).
  • Soft reset.

Change Pocket IE to IE Version 5.5 (For Secured Sites)

  • Go to the HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Internet Settings\User Agent\ key.
  • Set the default value to "Mozilla/4.0" (Default is "Mozilla/2.0").
  • Set the "Version" value to "MSIE 5.5" (Default is "MSIE 3.02").
  • Set the "Platform" value to "Windows NT 5.0" (Default is "Windows CE").

This will only work on some secure sites that check version number rather than perform a check for support of secured transactions.

This registry hack will make Pocket Internet Explorer identify itself as IE 5.5 on Windows 2000. However it will prevent web sites that provide Pocket PC specific content to be able to know you're actually using a Pocket PC.

--Universal can't connect to Windows Server 2003--

Cant map to a Windows 2003 Server share? Is it also a Domain Controller? Check the server for
  • start / programs / administraton tools / Domain Controller Security Policy
  • Then check Local Policies / Security Options :
  • Microsoft Network Server: Digitally sign communications (always)
  • change to disabled

Allow the unsigned app from installing for everything.

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies] Change value 0000101a from 0 to 1

Do a soft reset.

The next few tweaks are covered in more detail in posts under the Universal forum. Search for the key if u need details

Change the date in the Titlebar

?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Shell "TBOpt"=hex:\


Change 3 as follows: 0:blank 1:time only 2:date only 3:date & time

Can someone figure out how to stop date line from being bold.

Combine this with follwoing to get a date that fits:

Set short date format to something other than the limited list provided under settings>regional

?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\nls\overrides "SSDte"="d.M "

This gives 1-10 format with a space behind so that date is not cut off by OK button

Change fonts

Popup fonts:

?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GWE\Menu\PopFnt "Ht"dword:00000384 <-change this using a decimal editor. "Wt"=dword:000002bc "HtInPts"=dword:00000001 "CS"=dword:00000000 "It"=dword:00000000 "Nm""Tahoma"

Menubar fonts:

?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GWE\Menu\BarFnt "Ht"dword:00000384 "HtInPts"=dword:00000001 "CS"=dword:00000000 "Wt"=dword:000002bc "It"=dword:00000000 "Nm""Tahoma"

Change the Ht value. In a decimal editor the default is 900, and 700 works very nicely

Change system font

?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\SYSFNT "Ht"dword:00000384 "HtInPts"=dword:00000001 "CS"=dword:00000000 "Wt"=dword:00000190 "It"=dword:00000000 "Nm""Tahoma"

As above, decimal default is 900, I find anything less actually causes some poor layout in some apps - not worth playing with too much

Ringtone settings. Best to just export ur own settings and keep the .reg file. Read BA hacks for info on what the script decodes to

?HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0 "Sound""\\Windows\\?OldPhone .wma" "?SavedSound""\\Windows\\?OldPhone .wma" "Category""Ring" "Script""apw3r"

Glyph cache size - changes refresh speed

?HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\GDI\GLYPHCACHE "limit"=dword:00002000

Change to 4000 to double default

Terminal services cache size - makes a HUGE difference to black blocks

Default state: ?HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client "Keyboard Layout"="00000409" "BitmapPersistCacheSize"=dword:00000001 "BitmapCacheSize"=dword:00000015

Set to MS recommended: ?HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client "BitmapPersistCacheSize"dword:0000000a "BitmapCacheSize"=dword:000005dc "Keyboard Layout""00000409"

Change the Dialler Skin to a pic you want!

HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin\PROGRESS\portrait\other HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin\PROGRESS\landscape\other

HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin\DIALER\portrait\other HKLM\Security\Phone\Skin\DIALER\landscape\other

value bmpNormal \Windows\BKGND_Port.bmp value bmpNormal \Windows\Bkgnd_Land.bmp

I resized the pic to the correct size and changed the keys to BKGND_Port1.bmp, rebooted.

Simple to do, and keeps your dialler in with your today screen

How can you change the home-page on your web hardware button? Simply use this key and set your favourite home-page:


How long would you like the Universal keyboard to shine? 10 seconds is too short?, change the value of this key and it will shine so long as you wish! (or until the battery dies!)


How can I stop Active Sync from always turning-on even when it is not connected to my PC?

Go to menu->add server source->write down any server address (fake)->complete procedure then menu->schedule->switch to manually (at the top of the list)

Remove Icons from the Taskbar

To Remove Battery:

HKLM\services\power\?ShowIcon === change from 1 to 0 (zero).

NOTE: Delete the following key if it exists... if you don't, you will also lose the Power icon if you remove the ?WirelessMgr icon.
HKLM\services\power\?WaitEvent "Services/?WirelessMgr"

To Remove Screen Rotation:

HKLM\services\screenrotate\?ShowIcon === change from 1 to 0 (zero)

To Remove the Wireless connection manager

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Services\?WirelessMgr\keep and change the DWORD Keep to 0, soft-reset

If you remove all three icons, taskbar will be removed and more space on today screen.

To be able to edit the Messenger notifications you should add this keys:



Default="Messenger: Contact Online"





Default="Messenger: New Message"



After adding these you can go to the Sound and Notifications control panel and customize the notification behavior.

To remove the 'You are about to go online' box whenever you open PIE:

go to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE/SOFTWARE/HTC here you see the key: PIEplug. just rename or delete this entire key.

Restart your device, and PIE no longer asks if you want to go online. and just goes directly to the page you want

XDADeveloperWiki - Universal_Registry

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 8. 30. 15:15

원본은 요기

SmartPhone Tips


Disable Guest Mode
On the PC to disable guest mode
Open up regedit..
Start-Run-Regedit and click OK.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services

and change the value of GuestOnly registery to 0 or delete it..

Good Software
  • A registry editor like PHMregedit or Resco's
  • Westek ClearVue suite for viewing Word, Excel, PDF, Powerpoint and Images.
  • Zsoft PTab spreadsheet program. This is a full Excel spreadsheet program.
  • O]ios ToDo List replaces the worthless task functionality with a real Outlook-like version.
  • Resco Explorer is a better file explorer
  • Orneta Notepad. A really good text editor. See also Orneta ftp.
  • TCPMP with the AAC plugin a truly amazing media player
  • FoneDB from Syware. Not currently working on the Q but an ODBC customizable database with two way sync. Data can be read by MSAccess.
  • PDASyncserver Set it up to Sync files/folders between the smartphone and PC. Unfortunately it requires a manual key press to initiate the sync after connecting the phone.

Useful registry entries/locations:

\hkey_current_user\security LockTimeout Allows you to set custom timeouts beyond 60min.
One minute is 60000. So 10 hours is 36,000,000. Long enough to lock overnight but
not be bothersome during the day.
\hkey_current_user\controlpanel Lockedtimeout Sets the amount of time the screen stays on
when the phone is locked. Default is a short 2 seconds. Browse around the Control
Panel section for lots of other useful ones.

\hkey_classes_root is where the file associations are. Look for entries like
\hkey_classes_root\xlsfile\shell\open\command or opendoc. See the existing entries and
it will be obvious how to modify them. Some programs like "%1" param.
Others just %1. Ignore .xls entries as they refer to xlsfile

No Startup Sound
\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemStart \Sound
\Windows\Piano.wav to \Windows\*none*

No Camera Click Sound
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Pictures\Camera\OEM\Sou ndFile
Change the string/value:
to say:

Making the scrollbars smaller (Vert. and Horz.)

2) Adjust the following values
cyHScr : Horizontal Scrollbars
Height in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
cxVScr : Vertical Scrollbars
Width in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
3) Soft-reset

Speed hack

-> change limit from 16384 to 32768

-> change cachesize to 4096

To free up memory

To free up a bunch of memory on your phone perform the following to move the Cache, Cookies, and History to your storage card. After doing so, you must use that storage card when using Pocket Inernet Explorer. You can however create the same folders on each memory card that you use.
Step 1.
Using File Explorer in ActiveSync or the File Manager on your smartphone, create the following folders on the root of your Storage Card.


Step 2.
Fire up the registry editor on your phone and navigate to the following key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

You will need to edit the following values.

Cache Change Value Data to \Storage Card\ietemp\cache
Cookies Change Value Data to \Storage Card\ietemp\cookies
History Change Value Data to \Storage Card\ietemp\history

Reboot your phone.

Step 2.
Next, fire up your File Manager and navigate to \Windows\Profiles\Guest and delete the \cache, \cookies, and\history, folders.

If they do not delete then double check your regedits. To verify that it is working, visit a website with PIE and then check your new folders on the storage card for contents.

Move Email and Attachments to Storage Card

Written by Tony Leone
Monday, 16 January 2006
You can free up even more memory on your phone by moving all of your downloaded mail and attachments to your Storage Card.
Step 1.
Using the file manager in activesync, create the following folders on your Storage Card.

(You can actually name them whatever you want, "Inbox" for example.)

Step 2. Now browse to \Windows\Messaging (SmartPhone) or \Windows\MAPI (PocketPC)
If you want to save all of your existing mail, move everything in this directory to the new ones on your Storage Card.

Step 3. Now fire up your registry editor and navigate to the following.

[ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MAPI ]
Then create the following keys.
"AttachPath" (Value)= \Storage Card\MAPI\Attachments
"PropertyPath" (Value)= \Storage Card\MAPI
Step 4. Reboot your phone and then goto your inbox. If you can see all of your mail then mission accomplished. Double check your attachments as well.

Page Up and Page Down in IE

Key mapping for "Page Up" and "Page Down" in Internet Explorer

1. Open your favorite registry editor then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer

2. Create a new key 'KeyMaps' (without the quotes)

3. Under KeyMaps, create 2 new DWORD values:

50 with a value data 1 (this will make key "2" Page Up)

56 with a value data 2 (this will make key "8" Page Down)

I created 2 more DWORD values:

52 with a value date 5 (this will make key "4" Page Left)

54 with a value date 6 (this will make key "6" Page Right)

The key name is the keycode you want. 50 = Key 2, 56 = Key 8, 52 = Key4, and 54 = Key 6.

Other DWORD values available are:

1 - Page Up
2 - Page Down
3 - Top
4 - Bottom
5 - Left
6 - Page Rignt
7 - Horizontal Top
8 - Horizontal Down
9 - Default Layout
10 - Desktop Layout
11 - One Column Layout
12 - Full Screen Toggle
13 - Show Pictures Toggle

Keycodes Values for 0-9: 48='0', 49='1', 50='2', 51='3', 52='4', 53='5', 54='6', 55='7', 56='8', 57='9'.

4. Exit registry editor once you have mapped it to your favorite keys.
I use:
49 3, 50 1, 52 5, 54 6, 55 4, 56 2, 69 1, 70 6, 83 5, 87 3, 88 2, 90 4

CREDIT: Gadget & the fine people at modaco.com forums

69 with a value data 1 (this will make key "E or 2" Page Up)

70 with a value data 6 (this will make key "F or 6" Page Right)

83 with a value date 5 (this will make key "S or 4" Page Left)

88 with a value date 2 (this will make key "X or 8" Page Down)

Adding Password Protection Before Using Data Connection


If you want it to require you to put a password in when you login on to the internet d the following: inside the broadband and express folder change requirepw from 0 to 1, it will require u to put in a password. Perform the same action in the following Keys.


CREDIT: grigsby1

SmartPhone Tips

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 8. 30. 14:43

원본 : 요기

USE SD Card as My Documents Folder

This hack isn't very practical for people which swaps SD cards on and off frequently.

Open the key HKLM\System\?StorageManager\Profiles\SDMemory and change the value of the string "Folder" to "My documents". Be sure to close all documents and copy the original My Documents content to the SD card. Remove or rename the Old 'My Documents' out of the way and soft-reset. It might happen that another 'My Documents' folder is created and the SD shows up as 'My Documents 2'. just delete the just created 'My Documents', and remove and reinsert the SD card.

XDADeveloperWiki - BA_Hacks_WM5

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 8. 30. 14:37

유용한 정보가 될것같다 : 원본은 요기

Popular Reg Tweaks

Here's a list of some of the more popular reg tweaks taken from my Longhrn 4015 theme:


[RegData] ; registry key list
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Splash Screen, CarrierBitmap,, \Storage\Longhorn\boot2.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Splash Screen, CarrierShutdownBitmap,, \Storage\Longhorn\boot2.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Splash Screen, MSBitmap,, \Storage\Longhorn\boot1.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Splash Screen, MSShutdownBitmap,, \Storage\Longhorn\boot1.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows Media Player\Parameters,SkinDir,,"\Storage\WMP\"
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Windows Media Player\Parameters,SkinFile,,wmplayer.skn
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:CallAlert, BKBitmapFile,,\Storage\Longhorn\call.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:ErrorBox, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\exclamation.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:ExclamationBox, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\exclamation.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:InformationBox, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\information.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:QuestionBox, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\question.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:VolDlg, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\volume.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSCPROG, BannerImage,, \Storage\Longhorn\incall.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSCPROG, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\startmenu.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSCdial, BannerImage,, \Storage\Longhorn\dial.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSCdial, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\startmenu.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSClog, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\startmenu.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSStart, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\startmenu.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSCONTACTS, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\contacts.gif
HKLM,Software\Microsoft\Shell\Rai\:MSSYNCAPP, BKBitmapFile,, \Storage\Longhorn\async.gif
HKCU,ControlPanel\Home, BgImage,, ""
HKCU,ControlPanel\Home, ColorScheme,, ""
HKCU,ControlPanel\Home, Scheme,, \Storage\Application Data\Home\LH2.home.xml
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemStart, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\start.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemStart, Script,, ap
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\MenuCommand, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\MenuPopup, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\Ringtone0, Script,, av0pr
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\Ringtone0, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\GiveMeAReason.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\E-mail, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\E-mail, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\gotmail10.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SMS, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SMS, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\gotmail10.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\VoiceMail, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\VoiceMail, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\gotmail10.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemQuestion, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemQuestion, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\confirm.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemHand, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemHand, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\BreakYourself.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemExclamation, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemExclamation, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\BreakYourself.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemAsterisk, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemAsterisk, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\kick_a.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemDefault, Script,, av0p
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemDefault, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\kick_a.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\Warning, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\BreakYourself.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\Reminder, Script,, av0pr
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\Reminder, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\alarm.wav
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\Clock, Script,, av0pr
HKCU,ControlPanel\Sounds\Clock, Sound,, \Storage\Application Data\Sounds\alarm.wav
HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RIL\OperatorNames, 23410,, Longhorn
HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\RIL\OperatorNames, 23433,, Longhorn
HKLM,Ident, Name,, Longhorn
HKLM,SOFTWARE\Microsoft\FontPath, FontPath,, \Storage\Windows\Fonts

Popular Reg Tweaks - SPV-Developers Forums

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 8. 30. 14:24

원본: weaks and Hacks - htc

Tweaks and Hacks

Post registry and software hacks to make your TyTN do even more here.
(Obviously none of these will be supported by either HTC or your local phone service provider. Use these at your own risk.)
Registry Editors:
Mobile Registry Editor
Works with Mobile 5 though developed for older

Change Bluetooth Name Without Changing Owner Name
Normally the name of your device which is displayed when using bluetooth is the owner name.
To change this use a registry editor and browse to
\HCKU\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\Settings\Local Name
And change the value of the local name key to what ever you want.
Internet Explorer Navigation
The default behaviour for your device's four-way direction button in Pocket Internet Explorer (PIE) is to jump between hyperlinks/form fields on a web page. To change this behaviour so that the button scrolls the page left, right, up and down, use the following tweak:
\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav = 0 (DWORD decimal)
And to re-enable hyperlink/form field navigation:
\HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer\Navigation\4-Way Nav = 1 (DWORD decimal)
NB: You may still jump between links using Tab and Shift-Tab if your device has a built-in hardware keyboard.
WM5: Increase Performance and Speed

Boost Windows Mobile 5 performance by makeing the following changes in the registry...
[HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS] CacheSize = 4096 EnableCache = 1
[HKLM\System\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxfilt] ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096
Default values for all keys are 0. Soft reset for changes to take effect.
Disable Menu Animation

Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu, then change the value of "AniType" from 6 (default) to 0.
This disables the menu animation which helps in speeding up your PocketPC.
Change the Tap and Hold Dots Colours

1) Go to the HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Color\ key.
2) Add a Binary value called "40" if it does not already exist.
3) Set the value to "rr gg bb 00" (RGB hex values 00 to FF so "FF 00 000 00" is Red)
SMS Settings

SMS Notification Always On
"SMSDeliveryNotify"=dword:00000001 ->0 to disable, 1 to enable.
Disable SMS Sent Notification
"SMSNoSentMsg"=dword:00000001 ->0 to enable, 1 to disable.
Bottom tray icons

Remove the Battery Icon:
Remove the Wireless Manager Icon:
Restore local language support for sliding keyboard after upgrade to a different language ROM

This has been reported not to work, see below for another hack
You need to create Registry value of name "Locale" and type of "String" and data of "Localization ID" within [HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Keybd]
Localization IDs:
French = 040c
German = 0407
Italian = 0410
Japanese = 0411
Kazakh = 043f
Russian = 0419
Other IDs can be found here: Tweaks and Hacks - htcwikihttp://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/winxp/xp-lcid.mspx.
Some versions of the OS seem to be case sensitive on this value, and if it does not work, try upper case letters. Registry example for say russian kbd:
Modification to keyboard hack. The above solution does not work for the Hermes the following new settings are required.

Goto the following registry entry
There is a key called 'Layout' and it is in Decimal.
The default value of English ROM is 20409, and Chinese ROM is 20404 (both are in hexadecimal).
The suitable value for German Hermes keyboard is 20407 (132103 in decimal).
Probably Hermes use 20+country ID (409=WWE, 407=German, 404=Trad. Chinese, etc...) format for keyboard layout value.

The above settings does not work with the latest Hermes firmware, the following is required.

[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload]
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\keyboard layout\Preload\1]
The last setting is the same as in the above solution
These settings are for Norwegian keyboard, country code : 0414
Tested on fw. 1.31.502.1
Improve BT A2DP sound quality

Add new dword, Value name=BitPool; Value data=48 (Decimal)
Modify, Value name=UseJointStereo; Value data=0 (Decimal, Originally 1)
For BitPool:
Microsoft suggests the following bitpool values for optimal buffer sizes.
30 - Low audio quality
40 - Medium audio quality
48 - High audio quality
58 - Excellent audio quality
Chose one you like. I think 48 is good enough.
For UseJointStereo: use 0 instead of 1, then you got the real stereo.
Show Network Operator Name in today screen

Restoring Today Item: WiFi, BT and Phone Connection Status
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Today\Items] Create "Wireless" use Key "Flags"=dword:00000000
  • Enable clicking on the today plugin above open Comm Manager
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\ControlPanel\WrlsMgr] Create key "Redirect" "Redirect"= "\Windows\CommManager.exe"
Restore clock on top bar

"ShowTitleBarClock"=1 (enable)
"ShowTitleBarClock"=0 (disable)
PocketIE Cache in storage card

Create these folders:
\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Temporary Internet Files
\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Cookies
\Storage Card\Pocket IE\History
Add the following registry keys, string data type:
[HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders]
"Cache"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Temporary Internet Files"
"Cookies"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\Cookies"
"History"="\Storage Card\Pocket IE\History"
Disable flashing service LEDs

"Index"=0 Note! Disables vibrating.
Adding disconnect GPRS/UMTS button

To add Disconnect button and a timer display showing how long GRPS is in use for the session: HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 16 (DWORD decimal) To have only Disconnect button: HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 8 (DWORD decimal) To disable both the Disconnect button and the timer: HKLM\ControlPanel\Phone\Flags2 = 0 (DWORD decimal)
Disable annoying beeps when changing in-call volume

There are actually 3 different sounds in play here: the one at the bottom end of the slider (quietest), the one in the middle posisitions (standard), and the one at the top end of the slider (loudest). These are handled by 3 registry keys: HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\LoudestInCallVolume
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\StandardInCallVolume Within each of these keys the default 'Script' value is 'p' for 'play', change the 'Script' value to blank (erase the 'p').
Change ringtone/vibrate/LED flash characteristics

If you would like more control over how your device rings/vibrates/flashes its LEDs on events, you can can change the Script values of these events.
For example, for an incoming call performing 'activate device, play ringtone, wait 3 seconds, repeat':
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "apw3r" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
For performing 'active device, set volume to 33%, play ringtone, set volume to 67%, play ringtone, set volume to 100%, play ringtone (no repeat)':
HKCU\ControlPanel\Sounds\RingTone0\Script = "ac33pc67pc100p" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)
The following are the full codes available to you.
Please note that all the codes are executed simultaneously except after a ringtone play / wait code. E.g. 'v1p' will vibrate and play at the same time, while vibrating for 1 second. But 'pv1' will play the ringtone through all the way first, then start vibrating for 1 second. a = activate device
cN = set volume to N in percentage max volume
fN = flash notification LED for N seconds
p = play ringtone. Note that this will play the ringtone all the way through before continuing with the next code.
r = repeat. Note that this should be the last code in your Script string, if used at all. The repeat will be from the most recent a. So: v3apr will vibrate once then repeat the ring signal.
vN = vibrate for N seconds
wN = wait for N seconds. Note that the device will wait this long before continuing with the next code.

Tweaks and Hacks - htc

'개발이야기' 카테고리의 다른 글

SmartPhone Tips  (0) 2007.08.30
블랙잭에서 SD를 내문서로 사용하기  (0) 2007.08.30
Popular Reg Tweaks - SPV-Developers Forums  (0) 2007.08.30
Virtual-Key Codes  (4) 2007.08.29
Opera 8.60 for PPC 관련 팁  (0) 2007.08.28
Accessing the Internet by E-mail FAQ  (3) 2007.08.18
Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 8. 13. 21:00


Other Registry Tweaks

These registry tweaks either need categorizing, or do not fit any of the existing categories.

For further tweaks, see: WM5 Tweaks - Performance and http://www.pocketpctweaks.com/

Note to editors:

When editing, please make sure to disable the "[ ] Use Old Markup" option for display formatting reasons.


Tweak to do something

To do this and that, adjust the following registry value:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Something\SomeValue = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To do something different entirely, perhaps the opposite, do this:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Something\SomeValue = 0 (DWORD decimal)

This is an additional note

UI Modifications

Change the thickness of scrollbars

To change the thickness of the scrollbars at the right/bottom of documents larger than the screen, adjust...
For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar:

HKLM\System\GWE\cyHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

For the vertical (right) scrollbar:

HKLM\System\GWE\cxVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

The default thickness is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

Change the length of scrollbar arrow buttons

To go with changing the thickness of the scrollbars, you may wish to change the length of the scrollbar arrow buttons...
For the horizontal (bottom) scrollbar arrows:

HKLM\System\GWE\cyVScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

For the vertical (right) scrollbar:

HKLM\System\GWE\cxHScr = 9 (DWORD decimal)

The default length is 13. You can set the value to pretty much anything you like

Enable ClearType in Landscape mode

To enable ClearType in Landscape mode:

HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation = 0 (DWORD decimal)

To disable:

HKLM\System\GDI\ClearTypeSettings\OffOnRotation = 1 (DWORD decimal)

Note that your PocketPC screen's LCD red/green/blue ordering required for proper ClearType display is only correct for Portrait display. You may or may not prefer to leave ClearType in Landscape mode disabled

Change the display of the clock in the taskbar

The clock in the taskbar can be changed to show not only the time, but also the date, or just the date, or nothing at all.
To show nothing:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 0 (DWORD decimal)

To show just the clock:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To show just the date:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 2 (DWORD decimal)

To show both the date and the clock:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\TBOpt = 3 (DWORD decimal)

Note 1: If you switch to the Analog clock display, the date will remain visible -through- the Analog clock
Note 2: Setting the clock to show 'nothing' will still keep the reserved space, showing the taskbar background, and obscure any icons that will shift to the right.
Note 3: Your date may get obscured by the space reserved for the OK/Close button in the top-right. You can fix this my adding spaces at the end of your 'Short Date Format'. See also the tweak on 'Change the Short Date Format'

Show Edge network indicator instead of GPRS

If your network provider supports the Edge network (and your device does as well), you can use the following to show a little 'E' icon instead of 'G' icon when connected to an Edge network:

HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL\EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKLM\Drivers\BuiltIn\RIL\EnableDifferGprsEdgeIcon = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note that your device -and- your network operator need to support Edge, otherwise you won't see it. Also note that if you connect to GPRS, you will still see the 'G' icon.

Add GPS settings icon

If you have a GPS device, you can add a GPS settings icon to your Start > Settings menu using:

HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\Group = 2 (DWORD decimal)
HKLM\ControlPanel\GPS Settings\redirect <-- delete, or rename, this value

Note that '2' stands for the Connections tab, '1' is System and '0' would be Personal
Note also that this has reportedly disabled one person's USB connectivity. To restore, set "GPS Program Port = None", "GPS Connection Port = None", "Automatic GPS Management = on"

Hide/Show Screen orientation icon

If you wish to hide the Screen orientation icon, shown in the task bar on some devices, you can set:

HKLM\Services\?ScreenRotate\ShowIcon = 0 (DWORD decimal)
HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\HideOrientationUI = 1 (DWORD decimal)

And to show it again:

HKLM\Services\?ScreenRotate\ShowIcon = 1 (DWORD decimal)
HKLM\System\GDI\Rotation\HideOrientationUI = 0 (DWORD decimal)

If this doesn't work, you can try:

HKLM\Services\screenrotate = 0 (DWORD decimal)

And to show it again:

HKLM\Services\screenrotate = 1 (DWORD decimal)

Note that this icon and its feature may not be available on your device at all.

Hide/Show battery indicator in Task bar

If you wish to hide the battery indicator in the task bar on some devices, you can set:

HKLM\Services\Power\ShowIcon = 0 (DWORD decimal)

And to show:

HKLM\Services\Power\ShowIcon = 1 (DWORD decimal)

Note that this icon and its feature may not be available on your device at all. For example, the HTC Wizard regularly ships with a battery indicator in the Tray instead, governed by "Windows\Startup\Init_Tray.exe"._
_Note also that this reportedly does not work on AKU2 ROMs to remove the new battery indicator

Show slide-out keyboard caps/dot icon next to SIP

If your device contains a file called "capnotify.exe", try running it (most devices that have it will already have it in the Windows\StartUp\ folder), and setting the following value to get a visual presentation of whether you are in caps or dot (alternate key function) mode:
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\EnableIndicator = 1
Please note that if your device has no external keyboard with caps/dot mode, you won't gain anything from this tweak
Please also note that the application "?CapNotify.exe" must be running (normally found in \Windows\?StartUp\ already) for this to work

Put custom text on bottom-right of Today screen

You can set some piece of text on the bottom-right of the Today Screen by setting the following key:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Shell\DeviceBeta\Today = "Hello World" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

Please note that this text won't take up Today item text. It will be obscured by Today items.

File Locations

Change the location of My Documents

Documents are opened in and saved to the device's internal storage by default. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\FileSyncPath = "\Storage Card\My Documents" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

To return to the original location:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows CE Services\FileSyncPath = "\My Documents" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

Change the location of email and attachments

When reading and sending email in Pocket Outlook, emails and their attachments are saved in the device's internal storage by default. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MAPI\PropertyPath = "\Storage Card\Mail" (REG_SZ string, no quotes) HKCU\Software\Microsoft\MAPI\AttachPath = "\Storage Card\Mail\Attachments" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

To return to the original location:

Just simply delete these Registry settings (since neither is included by default).

Change the location of Temporary Internet Files

When browsing the web, pages and images are saved in the 'Temporary Internet Files' location. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cache = "\Storage Card\cacheie" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

To return to the original location:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders\Cache = "\Windows\Profiles\guest\Temporary Internet Files" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

Change the location of Ringtone file storage

WM5 will look for Ringtones in \Windows\ or \Windows\Rings by default. You can change this location to, for example, your Storage Card (example given is for ringtones placed on the Storage Card root folder)
HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Ring\Directory = "\Storage Card\" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

To return to the original location:

HKCU\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\Ring\Directory = "\Windows\Rings\" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

Note the default location may be "\Windows\" or "\Windows\Rings\" depending on your Device provider.

Make WM5 ask where to install a program (1)

If you wish to be able to specify whether to install a program on WM5's Main storage, or your Storage Card, regardless of installer setting set:

HKLM\Software\apps\Microsoft Application Installer\fAskDest = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKLM\Software\apps\Microsoft Application Installer\fAskDest = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Please note that many applications do not support being installed on the Storage Card and may behave unpredictably, including crashing.

Make WM5 ask where to install a program (2)

An alternative method of making WM5 ask where to install a program is by adding the "/askdest" option to the Windows CE loader:

HKCR\cabfile\Shell\open\command = 'wceload.exe "%1" /askdest' (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

Make WM5 keep CAB files around after installing (1)

If you wish to keep the original .CAB file around after installing the application, set:

HKLM\Software\apps\Microsoft Application Installer\nDynamicDelete = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Or to restore to the default:

HKLM\Software\apps\Microsoft Application Installer\nDynamicDelete = 2 (DWORD decimal)

Make WM5 keep CAB files around after installing (2)

An alternative method of making WM5 keep the original .CAB file around after installing the application is by adding the "/nodelete" option to the Windows CE loader:

HKCR\cabfile\Shell\open\command = 'wceload.exe "%1" /nodelete' (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

Make WM5 prompt before overwriting an existing installation

If you wish to make WM5 prompt you before overwriting an existing installation, set:

HKLM\Software\apps\Microsoft Application Installer\fAskOptions = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKLM\Software\apps\Microsoft Application Installer\fAskOptions = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Input (keyboard, soft keys, SIP)

Change slide-out keyboard layout

If you have a Device from one country, but would like to use the keyboard layout of another, you can change the keyboard's language setting to do so...

For US layout (QWERTY):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 0409 (String)
For German layout (QWERTZ):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 0407 (String)
For French layout (AZERTY):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 040c (String)
For Spanish layout (QWERTY):
HKCU\ControlPanel\Keybd\Locale = 040a (String)

For other codes, see: http://www.microsoft.com/globaldev/reference/winxp/xp-lcid.mspx

Change the keyboard backlight duration

To change the duration of the keyboard backlight, you can set (example is 30 seconds):

HKCU\ControlPanel\Backlight\QKeyLedTimeout = 30 (DWORD decimal)

Please note that this may not work on some devices. One such notable exception is the HTC Wizard.

Change the application launched by Today screen Soft Keys

To change the application launched by the Today screen Left soft key:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112\Open = "\Windows\Calendar.exe" (REG_SZ string, including quotes)

To change the title of the Left soft key:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\112\(Default) = "Calendar" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

To change the application launched by the Today screen Right soft key:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113\Open = "\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Contacts.lnk" (REG_SZ string, including quotes)

To change the title of the Right soft key:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Today\Keys\113\(Default) = "Contacts" (REG_SZ string, no quotes)

Note that 113 normally doesn't exist by default, and probably needs to be created
Also note that there is at least 1 application that allows you to set these through a GUI, developed by FdcSoft called SoftKeyAppletEx.

Set default SIP

The default SIP (Secondary Input Panel) on practically every device is the Keyboard. You may prefer entry with a different SIP. If so, you can set this to be the default SIP through:

HKCU\ControlPanel\SIP\DefaultIM = |SIP ClassID|

The |SIP ClassID| will depend on the SIP's ClassID, which may vary per-device. You can find the correct ClassID by searching for "IsSIPInputMethod" in HKCR, then going to the top key and checking the name of the SIP that's in the (Default) value.
Please note that this doesn't work with all SIPs. Transcriber/Calligrapher are two examples of this.
You can, however, set Transcriber as the default SIP by starting Transcriber.exe on startup. (This should be moved to, or added to, non-registry Tweaks page)
WARNING: Do not assume that the below ClassIDs would be -as found- on your device! Setting it to a non-existant SIP may prevent your device from booting up!
WARNING: If you set an invalid value in DefaultIM (or apparently if you're running a recent AKU http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=1032402&postcount=800), then you'll probably have to hard reset your device. NOTE: An alternative means of changing the default SIP is by using the SIPChange utility: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showpost.php?p=995883&postcount=16
The following are some of the ClassIDs typically found:

Typical pre-installed:
{42429667-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9} = Keyboard
{51A2CB38-154E-4C92-A625-A83871C99EC2} = Phone Pad
{42429690-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9} = Letter Recognizer
{42429691-ae04-11d0-a4f8-00aa00a749b9} = Block Recognizer
{F0034DD0-2AD4-11d1-9CB0-E84BE8000000} = Transcriber
Third Party:
{991A1001-9DCB-11d3-B3C2-000000000000} = AccessPanel
{1E03E205-12D7-4d82-963E-C01889F2EC10} = Claviature
{500AEF94-EBB8-11d4-B1F8-00304F06E973} = Decuma Alphabetic (UNCONFIRMED!)
{95BDB641-772F-11d2-AC6B-204C4F4F5020} = Fitaly
{52429695-AE04-11D0-A4F8-00AA00A749B9} = FleXslide
{4EAD10BD-83AC-44b9-99AE-71958C1B0F0E} = InPad
{C099F78A-924E-4814-A8CF-54E7BD8C2124} = JetKeys
{4128DEE4-EE84-4338-A261-CC704CB32C19} = NanoPad
{42429695-AE04-11D0-A4F8-00AA00A749B9} = NullKB
{025ECAC2-075B-4b82-A972-05E4C17719EA} = PDAMedia Excel
{FA957346-A925-4b68-B9E1-D3D0310F4433} = PDAMEdia KBD
{DE6510EF-6691-401D-B1D3-B9074BFD1555} = PHM Character Map
{81FC2CAD-AD71-4793-9464-36D27630E584} = PHM Clipboard Pane
{9DD23292-0AB3-48F2-A245-0713652A8CEE} = PHM Ext. Keyboard
{FFFD6819-FF21-4e93-B844-A1BBF986B55C} = QuikWriting
{991A1000-9DCB-11d3-B3C2-000000000000} = RapidCalc
{A070BE16-AD56-11d3-BC77-00C06C512035} = Resco Keyboard Pro
{7F0854D9-9ADA-45A9-A3A2-189D9BE8A653} = Smilies Input Panel
{26F56EF0-2CE8-4C46-ADC8-FE0A7DF12DD1} = SPB Fullscreen Keyboard
{5efab5bd-0af5-48f8-abec-6f36e3a0b5af} = TenGo
{8A7968F3-677B-4F64-859C-8A49FCCCB9BF} = TextPlus
{A5304BFA-CC1D-493f-87D3-D9C17147FA32} = TopKey
{4345EA53-B8A5-4E24-A14A-F7C34DD78077} = WordLogic

Add/remove items from the SIP list

If you have a few items in your SIP list which you don't use, they can be removed from the list by setting the IsSIPInputMethod for each item you want removed. To remove the SIP from the list, replace the $SIP_CLSID$ in the example below with a CLSID from the Set default SIP tweak.:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\$SIP_CLSID$\IsSIPInputMethod\(Default) = 0 (DWORD decimal)

To add it back to the list:

HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\CLSID\$SIP_CLSID$\IsSIPInputMethod\(Default) = 1 (DWORD decimal)

Pocket Calendar

Show Calendar event text in Week View

If you wish to see a Calendar event's text in the Week View, set the following:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ShowTextInWeekView = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable it again:

HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ShowTextInWeekView = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Please note that your event must have long enough a duration to show the event text, and the week view (with its narrow columns) truncates long words easily
Also note that the key "Calendar" may not exist - just create it if it doesn't

Change Calendar 'working days'

If you wish to change the 'working days' in the calendar, adjust the following:
For a Mon-Fri workweek (default):

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ActiveTimes\ActiveTimes = 2210003E (DWORD hexadecimal)

For a Mon-Sat workweek:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ActiveTimes\ActiveTimes = 2210007E (DWORD hexadecimal)

For a Tue-Thu workweek:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ActiveTimes\ActiveTimes = 22100016 (DWORD hexadecimal)

Here's how this works. When editing the value, switch to "Binary" mode. For the default Mon-Fri, you should see:


The last 7 numbers are what we're interested in. They stand for the days of the week, in reverse order: Saturday, Friday, Thursday, Wednesday, Tuesday, Monday, Sunday. When the number is "1", it is a working day. If it is "0", it's not a working day. So to look at the above examples again:

Days   : SFTWTMS
Mon-Fri: 0111110
Mon-Sat: 1111110
Tue-Thu: 0011100

Using the above, you should be able to set the working days to whatever you'd like.
Note that this value also adjusts the working HOURS. The examples here all use the default 8am-5pm workday. See the "Change Calendar 'working hours'" tweak to modify this.
Note that the ActiveTimes key and value may not exist. Simply create them first.

Change Calendar 'working hours'

If you wish to change the 'working hours' in the calendar, adjust the following:
For 8am-5pm (default):

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ActiveTimes\ActiveTimes = 2210003E (DWORD hexadecimal)

For 9am-5pm:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ActiveTimes\ActiveTimes = 2212003E (DWORD hexadecimal)

For 2pm-10pm:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Calendar\ActiveTimes\ActiveTimes = 2C1C003E (DWORD hexadecimal)

See here: http://www.pocketpcthoughts.com/index.php?action=expand,47926

XDADeveloperWiki - WM5_Tweaks_Other

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 8. 13. 20:59


WM5 Registry Tweaks - Performance

These Registry tweaks are typically used to improve performance of Windows Mobile 5. (This content was split off from WM5_Tweaks_Other because that page would no longer accept additional content.)

For further tweaks, see: WM5 Tweaks - Other and http://www.pocketpctweaks.com/

Note to editors:

When editing, please make sure to disable the "[ ] Use Old Markup" option for display formatting reasons.


Tweak to do something

To do this and that, adjust the following registry value:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Something\SomeValue = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To do something different entirely, perhaps the opposite, do this:

HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Something\SomeValue = 0 (DWORD decimal)

This is an additional note

Disable menu animations

To disable menu animations (sliding in/out) and speed up performance of the UI a bit:

HKLM\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\AniType = 0 (DWORD decimal)

To change it back to the default:

HKLM\SYSTEM\GWE\Menu\AniType = 6 (DWORD decimal)

Disable window animations

To disable window animations (minimizing/maximizing) and speed up performance of the UI a bit:

HKLM\SYSTEM\GWE\Animate = 0 (DWORD decimal)

And to switch them back on:

HKLM\SYSTEM\GWE\Animate = 1 (DWORD decimal)

Increase font cache

To increase the font cache, speeding up font rendering at the cost of a bit of memory:

HKLM\SYSTEM\GDI\GLYPHCACHE\limit = 16384 (DWORD decimal)

To change it back to the default:


You can set the value to pretty much anything you like, but suggested values are 4096, 8192, 16384 & 32768.

Enable FileSystem cache

To enable the FileSystem cache, speeding up overall performance at the risk of the cache not being written on a sudden reset:

HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS\EnableCache = 1 (DWORD decimal)

To disable again:

HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS\EnableCache = 0 (DWORD decimal)

Note that by default, the cache size is zero, and you will see no effect. See "Increase FileSystem cache" below to increase the cache size.

Increase FileSystem cache

To increase the file system cache:

HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS\CacheSize = 4096 (DWORD decimal)

To return the file system cache to zero:

HKLM\System\StorageManager\FATFS\CacheSize = 0 (DWORD decimal)

You can set the value to pretty much anything you like.

Increase FileSystem filter cache

To enable the file system filter cache, speeding up overall performance with file mangement:

HKLM\System\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxfilt\ReplStoreCacheSize = 4096 (DWORD decimal)

To return the file system filter cache to zero:

HKLM\System\StorageManager\Filters\fsreplxfilt\ReplStoreCacheSize = 0 (DWORD decimal)

You can set the value to pretty much anything you like.

XDADeveloperWiki - WM5_Tweaks_Performance

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 7. 30. 13:33

원문 : 요기

To disable certificate security, a simple registry edit needs to be applied:

Under HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Security\Policies\Policies:

  1. Change the DWORD named "1001" to 1 (recovery note: default is 2)
  2. Change the DWORD named "1005" to 40 (recovery note: default is 16)
  3. Change the DWORD named "1017" to 16 (recovery note: default is 128/132)

This can be done in a couple of ways:

  1. you can use the BreakSoft Mobile Registry Editor from your desktop or laptop Windows computer to edit the registry on the Windows Mobile device
  2. you can use a signed ('trusted') Windows Mobile program. Fortunately a copy of the freeware PHM registry editor was signed by HTC to help with ROM development. This can be downloaded here.
Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 7. 30. 13:09

I found this great tip for all you Telus users out there on sems.org | Home:
Here is the easy steps:

1. Download and install Device Security Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile 5.0 from Microsoft. This is a nifty utility to show what security policy is in effect. If you connect your Q to your PC, you'll see two tier security policy is in effect.
2. Download and copy secpolicies.cab to your Q (using ActiveSync, Total Commander, or just browse this site via Pocket Internet Explorer). I got this from Telus support, after following a post on qusers.com.
3. Run and install it. This allows you to install third party SSL Root Certs.
4. If you run Device Security Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile 5.0 now (it is listed in Start - Programs as "Security Configuration Manager", you'll see now you are using One Tier Prompt. Select Security Off and click Provision. It will install tool.cab to your device and then provision the settings.
If you want to do it the hard way, you can also change registry keys:
to the same effect. Interestingly, on many forums, value for 1017 is set as 090 (hex, originally 080), where as the above tool sets it to 10. Also 1005 is set to DE, where many articles I read sets it to 28. The rest is the same. But right after step 3, I was able to manually edit these keys via Resco Regedit or PHM Regedit (HTC Signed copy)

인터넷 많은 게시판들에 보면 블랙잭 blackjack (SCH-M620)에도 가능한 방법이라고 나와있다.

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 7. 26. 19:30

원본은 요기를 참조바람.

밑의 글은 모토롤라 Q 모델이 기준이다. 블랙잭에 적용가능한지는 알 수 없지만 같은 스마트 폰임으로 응용은 가능할것 같다. 아마도 블랙잭에는 LOCK 이 걸려 있을 수도 있다.


Motorola Q registry tweaks/mods/hacks

Hey guys...I’ve discovered a resource of Motorola Q mods and hacks…registry tweaks…what have you… that you may find valuable to your Q-using experience and wanted to pass it along. You will need a registry editor like Resco Registry Editor and Explorer: Resco Explorer 2005 for Smartphone
And as with most posts of this nature, tweak AT YOUR OWN RISK!
The following is a list of mods/hacks that you will find thereafter:
1. Making the scrollbars smaller (Vert. and Horz.)
2. Moto Q Speed Increases
3. Changing System Startup Sound
4. Turn off Shutter Sound for Camera
5. Change Start Menu into List Instead of Grid
6. Shut Off the Beep that Occurs When You Initiate a Call
7. Page Up and Page Down in IE
8. Change VZW Image that is Above the # Dial Window
9. Change Startup Microsoft Splash Screen
10. Remove Sent Message Popup With SMS.
11. Increasing Call History
1. Making the scrollbars smaller (Vert. and Horz.)
This hack allows 4 icons on a row in the start menu instead of 3 and allows more to be viewed on the screen in IE:

• Adjust the following values
cyHScr : Horizontal Scrollbars
Height in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
cxVScr : Vertical Scrollbars
Width in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
• Soft-reset
2. Moto Q Speed Increases
The following 2 hacks increase system performance and makes the Q more responsive:
Changed limit from 16384 to 32768
• Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\StorageManager\FATFS
Changed - CacheSize to 4096
3. Changing System Startup Sound
• Navigate to: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds
- At the very bottom of the list of entries, there an entry called AllSounds
- Open that up and you'll see a list of mp3 files.
- All you have to do is append your own audio files (mp3, wma, or wav) to the list. Then you have to make sure that you place your new audio clips in the \Windows folder so that they are accessible.
- The next time you go to the sounds events page, the drop down menu will contain the new clips you added.
• If you want to change the system startup sound, go to:
\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemStart \Sound
- Change the hidden wav file, \Windows\Piano.wav to \Windows\MY_WAV_GOES_HERE.wav
- I'd be really cautious about changing the startup wav. You don't want the phone to lock if the audio file doesn't load. I converted my wav to 16bit, stereo, 22khz WAV file. I didn't use mp3 or WMA. This seems to work fine.
4. Turn off Shutter Sound for Camera
• Navigate to:
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Pictures\Camera\OEM\Sou ndFile
• In the SoundFile key:
Modify the string/value \windows\shuttersound_02_secs.wav to say \windows\*none*
- Yes it should have the ** around none
5. Change Start Menu into List Instead of Grid
• Navigate to:
\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Shell\StartM enu
• Change the GridView value to 0 if you want list view.
• Change it to 1 if you want grid view.
6. Shut Off the Beep that Occurs When You Initiate a Call
• Navigate to:
HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\SoundCategories\InC all2
• Change String/Value InitVol to 0
7. Page Up and Page Down in IE
Key mapping for "Page Up" and "Page Down" in Internet Explorer
• Open your favorite registry editor then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer
• Create a new key 'KeyMaps' (without the quotes)
• Under KeyMaps, create 2 new DWORD values:
50 with a value data 1 (this will make key "2" Page Up)
56 with a value data 2 (this will make key "8" Page Down)
- I created 2 more DWORD values:
52 with a value date 5 (this will make key "4" Page Left)
54 with a value date 6 (this will make key "6" Page Right)
The key name is the keycode you want. 50 = Key 2, 56 = Key 8, 52 = Key4, and 54 = Key
• Other DWORD values available are:
1 - Page Up
2 - Page Down
3 - Top
4 - Bottom
5 - Left
6 - Page Rignt
7 - Horizontal Top
8 - Horizontal Down
9 - Default Layout
10 - Desktop Layout
11 - One Column Layout
12 - Full Screen Toggle
13 - Show Pictures Toggle
Keycodes Values for 0-9: 48='0', 49='1', 50='2', 51='3', 52='4', 53='5', 54='6', 55='7', 56='8', 57='9'.
• Exit registry editor once you have mapped it to your favorite keys.
8. Change VZW Image that is Above the # Dial Window
When you go to dial a # you will see a Verizon Wireless Image above that #.
To get rid of this or to change it...

• Upload the desired image to /windows.
The default VZW image is 240x27. However the author, tonyxcom, says: "Oh, and you can pretty much make the image any size you want. I made mine 320. If you make it any less wide, it will get stretched."
• Navigate to:
Click on the String/Value BannerImage
You will see in the String: /windows/16_brick_131.gif
Type in the string field: /windows/YourImagesName.jpg
YourImagesName.jpg being the name of the file you put in the /windows folder in Step 1.
Someone named Ben Hirashima has an auto installing CAB file for this hack. It can be downloaded at:
9. Change Startup Microsoft Splash Screen
The file that we are dealing with is "ms_screen.png". The system uses this file for both the startup and shutdown screens. There are 2 ways to do this mod. The first is to create another image file named ms_screen.png, and move it into your windows directory. Of course it will need to be 320x240, and I would save in PNG format just to be safe. Be sure to make a backup of the original just in case you happen to botch something.
The method that I chose was to create a PNG file, again 320x240, and save it under a different filename. Then, move this file into the Windows directory. Now it's time to edit the registry to point to this new file.
The registy keys are located at: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Splash Screen
We are interested in the CarrierBitmap, MSBitmap, and MSShutdownBitmap keys. They point to the \Windows\ms_screen.png file by default. Change all 3 to the new filename, and restart the Q. You should see your new startup logo after the Verizon logo and animations, prior to your Home screen coming up.
10. Remove Sent Message Popup With SMS.
• Navigate to: HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Inbox
• Next, click on Inbox (make sure the Inbox is highlighted) and select Edit, New Key
• Name the New Key as "Settings"
• Click on "Settings" (make sure the Settings is highlighted) and select Edit, New String Value
• On "Value name:", key in SMSNoSentMsg and in "Value data", key in 1
• Soft reset your device and test it with one SMS, and you will notice that the SMS Sent bubble is being disabled
11. Increasing Call History
• Navigate to: \HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Phone
"CallHistoryMax" contains the number of numbers that will be kept in history. [ie. change it to 100]
[Here is one that I didn’t venture to try: ]
USB Native Tethering, Make DUN Settings Stick
• To make the DUN setting (##342587) stick, do the following delete the following string value: HKey_Local_Machine\init\"Launch99"
• Exit regedit, dial in ##342587. Select OK, then Exit.
• Reset your Q.
Upon restart, the Modem Link app will be there indefinitely, lest you do the ##342587 again and disable it.
NOTE: Unless you take certain measures your phone can lock up 80% of the time.
Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 7. 26. 09:30

투피(Todaysppc)에 블랙잭에서 3G 접속을 막는 방법이 소개되어 있다

[SCH-M620] 3G 인터넷 서비스 사용 못하게 만들기 


쭉 한번 읽어보니 레지스트리를 조작해서 처리하는 방법인듯싶다.  같은 레지스트리 키값에 관련된 글을 함 찾아보니 도움이 될만한 글이 있다. 레지스트리 조작은 시스템에 있어 아주 조심스러운 작업이다. 항시 주의를 하여야 한다. 잘못 만졌을 경우 하드리셋까지 하는 위험을 감수해야 한다.


Raising hx4700 bluetooth dialup speed to match EDGE/3G/UMTS phones - Brighthand.com Smartphone and PDA Discussion Forums


Here is small tweak I figured out and want to share with you.
It's meant for people that use their ipaq with EDGE/3g/UMTS cellphones to access internet. Basically any phone that is able to connect faster than 115200kbps.

Bluetooth DUN (dialup network) connection speed is limited to 115200 bps (14K/s) in
hx4700 settings. However, 3g phone is capable of giving you 384000 bps (40K/s) * edit * actually I have got feedback that on EV-DO network some people now get 80KB/s from their phone to their iPAQ. Obviously, bottleneck is in IPAQ.

It is possible to edit speed of connection by using registry editor, such es Tascal Regedit or Resco Registry editor, etc.

All usual disclaimers apply, you do it at your own risk. I made this tweak on hx4700 running on WM5 with Widcomm stack. While I think that it should work on WM2003, 2003SE too, I cannot guarantee that. Try if you want.

1. Set speed of your connection to be exactly 115200. Later, this will help us to identify bytes we need to patch.

2. Find in registry HKCU\Comm\RasBook\"yourconnectionname"\DevCfg

3. It is a data array with some stuff I do not know much about, however, it contains 3 bytes that define connection speed. For example, 115200 decimal = 01.C2.00 hex, stored backwards in the memory as 00.c2.01

4. So find that sequence. In my case it was in bytes 13,14,15

5. Change value to the one from the list below

256000 bps =3E800 -> 00.e8.03
384000 bps =5DC00 -> 00.dc.05
460800 bps =70800 -> 00.08.07
921600 bps =E1000 -> 00.10.0e

Chosen speed should be faster than speed of cellular connection, to cover some protocol overhead. In case of UMTS (max 384kbps) I have chosen speed of 460800 bps. If you use EDGE, than 256000 should be enough.

6. Now, we switch off 4700 for a minute to let registry values flush into persistent memory.

7. Soft reset. Enjoy higher speeds. 

P.S. My machine is stable after this tweak. Speed is 2xFaster now. Download tests gave me consistent 33-38 K/s on my 3g network. However, I do not know how it will behave if you edit connection settings again. I guess it will fall back to old speed setting. I simply do not open it now.

PPS. I am newbie on this forum, because I dwell on russian forums. Here I just share my finding with english speaking users.

same in russian (тоже самое на русском языке
http://www.pdateam.ru/index.php?act=...20#entry231862 )
Posted by krsuncom