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SmartPhone Tips


Disable Guest Mode
On the PC to disable guest mode
Open up regedit..
Start-Run-Regedit and click OK.
Navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows CE Services

and change the value of GuestOnly registery to 0 or delete it..

Good Software
  • A registry editor like PHMregedit or Resco's
  • Westek ClearVue suite for viewing Word, Excel, PDF, Powerpoint and Images.
  • Zsoft PTab spreadsheet program. This is a full Excel spreadsheet program.
  • O]ios ToDo List replaces the worthless task functionality with a real Outlook-like version.
  • Resco Explorer is a better file explorer
  • Orneta Notepad. A really good text editor. See also Orneta ftp.
  • TCPMP with the AAC plugin a truly amazing media player
  • FoneDB from Syware. Not currently working on the Q but an ODBC customizable database with two way sync. Data can be read by MSAccess.
  • PDASyncserver Set it up to Sync files/folders between the smartphone and PC. Unfortunately it requires a manual key press to initiate the sync after connecting the phone.

Useful registry entries/locations:

\hkey_current_user\security LockTimeout Allows you to set custom timeouts beyond 60min.
One minute is 60000. So 10 hours is 36,000,000. Long enough to lock overnight but
not be bothersome during the day.
\hkey_current_user\controlpanel Lockedtimeout Sets the amount of time the screen stays on
when the phone is locked. Default is a short 2 seconds. Browse around the Control
Panel section for lots of other useful ones.

\hkey_classes_root is where the file associations are. Look for entries like
\hkey_classes_root\xlsfile\shell\open\command or opendoc. See the existing entries and
it will be obvious how to modify them. Some programs like "%1" param.
Others just %1. Ignore .xls entries as they refer to xlsfile

No Startup Sound
\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\ControlPanel\Sounds\SystemStart \Sound
\Windows\Piano.wav to \Windows\*none*

No Camera Click Sound
\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\Pictures\Camera\OEM\Sou ndFile
Change the string/value:
to say:

Making the scrollbars smaller (Vert. and Horz.)

2) Adjust the following values
cyHScr : Horizontal Scrollbars
Height in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
cxVScr : Vertical Scrollbars
Width in pixels (default is 6, set it to 3)
3) Soft-reset

Speed hack

-> change limit from 16384 to 32768

-> change cachesize to 4096

To free up memory

To free up a bunch of memory on your phone perform the following to move the Cache, Cookies, and History to your storage card. After doing so, you must use that storage card when using Pocket Inernet Explorer. You can however create the same folders on each memory card that you use.
Step 1.
Using File Explorer in ActiveSync or the File Manager on your smartphone, create the following folders on the root of your Storage Card.


Step 2.
Fire up the registry editor on your phone and navigate to the following key.

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders

You will need to edit the following values.

Cache Change Value Data to \Storage Card\ietemp\cache
Cookies Change Value Data to \Storage Card\ietemp\cookies
History Change Value Data to \Storage Card\ietemp\history

Reboot your phone.

Step 2.
Next, fire up your File Manager and navigate to \Windows\Profiles\Guest and delete the \cache, \cookies, and\history, folders.

If they do not delete then double check your regedits. To verify that it is working, visit a website with PIE and then check your new folders on the storage card for contents.

Move Email and Attachments to Storage Card

Written by Tony Leone
Monday, 16 January 2006
You can free up even more memory on your phone by moving all of your downloaded mail and attachments to your Storage Card.
Step 1.
Using the file manager in activesync, create the following folders on your Storage Card.

(You can actually name them whatever you want, "Inbox" for example.)

Step 2. Now browse to \Windows\Messaging (SmartPhone) or \Windows\MAPI (PocketPC)
If you want to save all of your existing mail, move everything in this directory to the new ones on your Storage Card.

Step 3. Now fire up your registry editor and navigate to the following.

[ HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\MAPI ]
Then create the following keys.
"AttachPath" (Value)= \Storage Card\MAPI\Attachments
"PropertyPath" (Value)= \Storage Card\MAPI
Step 4. Reboot your phone and then goto your inbox. If you can see all of your mail then mission accomplished. Double check your attachments as well.

Page Up and Page Down in IE

Key mapping for "Page Up" and "Page Down" in Internet Explorer

1. Open your favorite registry editor then navigate to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Internet Explorer

2. Create a new key 'KeyMaps' (without the quotes)

3. Under KeyMaps, create 2 new DWORD values:

50 with a value data 1 (this will make key "2" Page Up)

56 with a value data 2 (this will make key "8" Page Down)

I created 2 more DWORD values:

52 with a value date 5 (this will make key "4" Page Left)

54 with a value date 6 (this will make key "6" Page Right)

The key name is the keycode you want. 50 = Key 2, 56 = Key 8, 52 = Key4, and 54 = Key 6.

Other DWORD values available are:

1 - Page Up
2 - Page Down
3 - Top
4 - Bottom
5 - Left
6 - Page Rignt
7 - Horizontal Top
8 - Horizontal Down
9 - Default Layout
10 - Desktop Layout
11 - One Column Layout
12 - Full Screen Toggle
13 - Show Pictures Toggle

Keycodes Values for 0-9: 48='0', 49='1', 50='2', 51='3', 52='4', 53='5', 54='6', 55='7', 56='8', 57='9'.

4. Exit registry editor once you have mapped it to your favorite keys.
I use:
49 3, 50 1, 52 5, 54 6, 55 4, 56 2, 69 1, 70 6, 83 5, 87 3, 88 2, 90 4

CREDIT: Gadget & the fine people at modaco.com forums

69 with a value data 1 (this will make key "E or 2" Page Up)

70 with a value data 6 (this will make key "F or 6" Page Right)

83 with a value date 5 (this will make key "S or 4" Page Left)

88 with a value date 2 (this will make key "X or 8" Page Down)

Adding Password Protection Before Using Data Connection


If you want it to require you to put a password in when you login on to the internet d the following: inside the broadband and express folder change requirepw from 0 to 1, it will require u to put in a password. Perform the same action in the following Keys.


CREDIT: grigsby1

SmartPhone Tips

Posted by krsuncom