개발이야기2007. 7. 26. 16:01

원본은 요기를 참조

A hack for the Q that works for the Dash
"Moto Q Speed Increases (Note: Could this work for the Dash?)
The following 2 hacks increase system performance significantly for me. They make the Q much more responsive:
1.) Navigate to:
Changed limit from 16384 to 32768
2.) Navigate to:
Changed - CacheSize to 4096
NOTES: Some improvement, but not a significant amount, different users after reported better responses though (TechWhore)
CREDIT: jewalsh2k"


적용 후 벤치마크 결과도 있다.

I ran some speed tests before and after the cache tweak. It only affected the storage card speeds.
1200KB/s write
1650KB/s read

1200KB/s write
8000KB/s read

블랙잭 (SCH-M620) 에도 적용할 수 있을까???

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 7. 26. 09:30

투피(Todaysppc)에 블랙잭에서 3G 접속을 막는 방법이 소개되어 있다

[SCH-M620] 3G 인터넷 서비스 사용 못하게 만들기 


쭉 한번 읽어보니 레지스트리를 조작해서 처리하는 방법인듯싶다.  같은 레지스트리 키값에 관련된 글을 함 찾아보니 도움이 될만한 글이 있다. 레지스트리 조작은 시스템에 있어 아주 조심스러운 작업이다. 항시 주의를 하여야 한다. 잘못 만졌을 경우 하드리셋까지 하는 위험을 감수해야 한다.


Raising hx4700 bluetooth dialup speed to match EDGE/3G/UMTS phones - Brighthand.com Smartphone and PDA Discussion Forums


Here is small tweak I figured out and want to share with you.
It's meant for people that use their ipaq with EDGE/3g/UMTS cellphones to access internet. Basically any phone that is able to connect faster than 115200kbps.

Bluetooth DUN (dialup network) connection speed is limited to 115200 bps (14K/s) in
hx4700 settings. However, 3g phone is capable of giving you 384000 bps (40K/s) * edit * actually I have got feedback that on EV-DO network some people now get 80KB/s from their phone to their iPAQ. Obviously, bottleneck is in IPAQ.

It is possible to edit speed of connection by using registry editor, such es Tascal Regedit or Resco Registry editor, etc.

All usual disclaimers apply, you do it at your own risk. I made this tweak on hx4700 running on WM5 with Widcomm stack. While I think that it should work on WM2003, 2003SE too, I cannot guarantee that. Try if you want.

1. Set speed of your connection to be exactly 115200. Later, this will help us to identify bytes we need to patch.

2. Find in registry HKCU\Comm\RasBook\"yourconnectionname"\DevCfg

3. It is a data array with some stuff I do not know much about, however, it contains 3 bytes that define connection speed. For example, 115200 decimal = 01.C2.00 hex, stored backwards in the memory as 00.c2.01

4. So find that sequence. In my case it was in bytes 13,14,15

5. Change value to the one from the list below

256000 bps =3E800 -> 00.e8.03
384000 bps =5DC00 -> 00.dc.05
460800 bps =70800 -> 00.08.07
921600 bps =E1000 -> 00.10.0e

Chosen speed should be faster than speed of cellular connection, to cover some protocol overhead. In case of UMTS (max 384kbps) I have chosen speed of 460800 bps. If you use EDGE, than 256000 should be enough.

6. Now, we switch off 4700 for a minute to let registry values flush into persistent memory.

7. Soft reset. Enjoy higher speeds. 

P.S. My machine is stable after this tweak. Speed is 2xFaster now. Download tests gave me consistent 33-38 K/s on my 3g network. However, I do not know how it will behave if you edit connection settings again. I guess it will fall back to old speed setting. I simply do not open it now.

PPS. I am newbie on this forum, because I dwell on russian forums. Here I just share my finding with english speaking users.

same in russian (тоже самое на русском языке
http://www.pdateam.ru/index.php?act=...20#entry231862 )
Posted by krsuncom