개발이야기2007. 7. 30. 13:09

I found this great tip for all you Telus users out there on sems.org | Home:
Here is the easy steps:

1. Download and install Device Security Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile 5.0 from Microsoft. This is a nifty utility to show what security policy is in effect. If you connect your Q to your PC, you'll see two tier security policy is in effect.
2. Download and copy secpolicies.cab to your Q (using ActiveSync, Total Commander, or just browse this site via Pocket Internet Explorer). I got this from Telus support, after following a post on qusers.com.
3. Run and install it. This allows you to install third party SSL Root Certs.
4. If you run Device Security Manager Powertoy for Windows Mobile 5.0 now (it is listed in Start - Programs as "Security Configuration Manager", you'll see now you are using One Tier Prompt. Select Security Off and click Provision. It will install tool.cab to your device and then provision the settings.
If you want to do it the hard way, you can also change registry keys:
to the same effect. Interestingly, on many forums, value for 1017 is set as 090 (hex, originally 080), where as the above tool sets it to 10. Also 1005 is set to DE, where many articles I read sets it to 28. The rest is the same. But right after step 3, I was able to manually edit these keys via Resco Regedit or PHM Regedit (HTC Signed copy)

인터넷 많은 게시판들에 보면 블랙잭 blackjack (SCH-M620)에도 가능한 방법이라고 나와있다.

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 7. 26. 16:01

원본은 요기를 참조

A hack for the Q that works for the Dash
"Moto Q Speed Increases (Note: Could this work for the Dash?)
The following 2 hacks increase system performance significantly for me. They make the Q much more responsive:
1.) Navigate to:
Changed limit from 16384 to 32768
2.) Navigate to:
Changed - CacheSize to 4096
NOTES: Some improvement, but not a significant amount, different users after reported better responses though (TechWhore)
CREDIT: jewalsh2k"


적용 후 벤치마크 결과도 있다.

I ran some speed tests before and after the cache tweak. It only affected the storage card speeds.
1200KB/s write
1650KB/s read

1200KB/s write
8000KB/s read

블랙잭 (SCH-M620) 에도 적용할 수 있을까???

Posted by krsuncom