개발이야기2007. 8. 6. 19:08

원문: 요기

Add new dword, Value name=BitPool; Value data=48 (Decimal)
Modify, Value name=UseJointStereo; Value data=0 (Decimal, Originally 1)
For BitPool:
Microsoft suggests the following bitpool values for optimal buffer sizes.
30 - Low audio quality
40 - Medium audio quality
48 - High audio quality
58 - Excellent audio quality
Chose one you like. I think 48 is good enough.
For UseJointStereo: use 0 instead of 1, then you got the real stereo.......
BTW, if you lost your modification after soft reset, you might try to "totally" close the reg editor you use before soft reset.
And chosing an "appropriate" A2DP headset is quite important. Some just don't work well with this device

HowardForums: Your Mobile Phone Community & Resource - Bluetooth Stereo (A2DP) on Qtek 8500

Posted by krsuncom
개발이야기2007. 8. 6. 19:04

원문 :


Lightbulb WM6 A2DP best settings here

After discussions with Sleuth255, I've done some further testing on the registry settings and found some optimum settings for A2DP. These are applicable to the newer releases of WM6.
Finding #1:
ADD/CHANGE the following values from the registry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2DP\Settings :
Name: UseJointStereo
Value (DWORD): 1
What this does is enable Joint-Stereo for the SBC codec, which is important and makes the biggest significant change to improve sound quality. (Note: In earlier versions of WM5 and WM6, Joint-Stereo was broken and resulted in a mono-output. This is not the case anymore with the newer WM6 ROMS.)
Further note: Sleuth255 found that some of his A2DP headsets could not work with JS turned on. In that case, you have to set the value to 0 to disable JS (resulting in poorer quality sound with more "hissing").
Finding #2:
REMOVE the following values from the registry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2DP\Settings if they are present:
- BitPool
- MaxSupportedBitPool
These values are used to manually set limits for the BT stack for the A2DP SBC codec. Previously, it was thought that these values should be set between 38 to 86. But if the values are removed, I think that the BT stack automatically chooses the best BitPool values for maximum quality. I've tried removing these values and the sound quality either improved or at least stayed the same.
At this point, you should have only one value in the registry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2DP\Settings:
UseJointStereo = 1
Your A2DP audio should be very good at this point - almost indistinguishable from a wired headset. However, if you are still unsatisfied with the sound (you may notice some very slight "hissing" or "swishing" sounds on high frequencies of certain songs), you may want to try the optional setting below.
Finding #3:
This is optional, and a matter of preference.
ADD the following value to the registry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2DP\Settings:
Name: SampleRate
Value (DWORD): 48000 (decimal)
This forces the A2DP stack to send the audio to the headset at 48000Hz instead of the default 44100Hz. For some reason, I find that the 48Khz value makes the "hissing" sounds less obvious. Your findings may vary, as some people may prefer the slightly more forward sound of the original setting. But if you are game, give this a try - one thing for sure is that it definitely changes the sound quality.
To reverse the change, just remove the SampleRate value.
If you make this 3rd optional change, you should have the following values in the registry at HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Bluetooth\A2DP\Settings:
UseJointStereo = 1
SampleRate = 48000
[ Note - Quick tip on registry editing ]
Of course, every registry change needs a soft-reset to take effect. And please take the usual proper care when editing the registry or risk damaging your device.
Find that your settings dont "stick" after a reset?
Make sure you reset the phone like this: After making changes to the registry, exit your registry editor. Then press and hold the power button of your phone for about 5 seconds, a window should pop up asking you if you want to shutdown your phone (click Yes). Once the phone has shut down, press and hold the power button for a few seconds until the phone starts up again.
Happy listening! BTW, I find that Mortplayer is an excellent MP3 player to use with A2DP. It works well with the control buttons on my headset.

Last edited by hardcore : 05-06-2007 at 06:48 PM.

WM6 A2DP best settings here - xda-developers

Posted by krsuncom
링크2007. 7. 20. 16:06

HTC  Tornado 스마트폰에 대해서 Windows Mobile 5 장치에 블루투스 스테레오 파일이 가능하게 하는 방법이 소개되어 있다




파일은 아래사이트에서도 받을 수 있다


Posted by krsuncom