개발이야기2007. 7. 26. 16:01

원본은 요기를 참조

A hack for the Q that works for the Dash
"Moto Q Speed Increases (Note: Could this work for the Dash?)
The following 2 hacks increase system performance significantly for me. They make the Q much more responsive:
1.) Navigate to:
Changed limit from 16384 to 32768
2.) Navigate to:
Changed - CacheSize to 4096
NOTES: Some improvement, but not a significant amount, different users after reported better responses though (TechWhore)
CREDIT: jewalsh2k"


적용 후 벤치마크 결과도 있다.

I ran some speed tests before and after the cache tweak. It only affected the storage card speeds.
1200KB/s write
1650KB/s read

1200KB/s write
8000KB/s read

블랙잭 (SCH-M620) 에도 적용할 수 있을까???

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